Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I'm happy! I'm happy! I'm happy !

Pierre got accepted in the school !!! I am so relieved. At 11.30, I was going to get the kids for lunch but before I checked my mailbox. And here it was: the so wanted enveloppe !!! My heart was beating strong, my hands were shaking : and the answer was positive. I had to read the letter three times to believe it !!! That is a wonderful news for Pierre !!! When I told him he will go to the secondary school we wanted, he was very thrilled! I shared the news with his teacher who was very happy too. So we invited my parents to go to celebrate the great news by eating pizza (Pierre favorite food - what a gourmet ) at the restaurant on sunday. We were supposed to go there when his treatment was finished but didn't go. Another reason to celebrate: it's mother's day on sunday. I guess all the you sent through the computer worked

I had to play the silly one during this excitment to add a little more fun to the moment: I opened the mailbox, took the envelope, left, come back with the kids, wanted to pick up the mail I had left in the mailbox when I realized I had probably forgotten my keys ON the mailbox I was relieved to find them back at home where a very kind and honest neighbor had brought them back

I didn't find time to blog earlier but I did stitch:

Yes, I'm done with the black and the yellow curtain: at last. I also worked on the bottom of the door and I may actually stitch some green on the left tonight or some blue on the top of the door.

I am one of the winner of the Pink Fiber Heaven contest at stitch pink !!! I'm very happy to have won this contest !!! ( thanks Marita to have let me know ) Kim has accepted to mail it to France. Thanks Kim !!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting Pierre into the school of his choice. I know it meant a lot to all of you.

But I bet you stitch the blue at the top of the door before you stitch the green. Poor green, always last. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Great news Chiloe. I'm really happy for you all.

Your stitching progress is amazing!

AngelSan said...

wouah, felicitations, ca doit etre une grande nouvelle ! J'espere que Pierre se plaira dans sa nouvelle ecole !

Marie said...

tout simplement génial !!

Ruth said...

Congratulations!!! That's wonderful news... now if only you could get excited AND still hold your keys. :)

Dawn T. said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy for Pierre:)

The curtain looks great!

Linda K's Stitching Corner said...

I am so happy for you and that Pierre got accepted into his school that he wanted to go too...

I am glad that one of your neighbors returned your Keys too.

Your Stitching as always is beautiful....the doorway is so cool looking...I just love that.

Take care & Happy Stitching

Windy said...

You do beautiful stitching. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I look forward to future posts on yours. I also like the one about the neighbors. I had neighbors like that once too. Very entertaining.

Anonymous said...

J'arrive pour les bonnes nouvelles ! ( en plus je révise mon anglais ).
Et tu t'amuses avec combien de couleurs sur cette maison ??? C'est superbe.

Faith Ann said...

That's fantastic news for Pierre!!

mainely stitching said...

HOORAY for Pierre!!!!! :D

And congratulations to you! :D

Tammy said...

Huge congratulations to Pierre!

You're going to stitch green? Whenever I read such comments, I have to laugh. You're too cute!

sugardoll said...

I am loving your progress on the lanarte piece.

Congrats to Pierre for getting accepted in the school.

Pumpkin said...

WOOHOOO!!!! WTG Pierre! That is great news :o)

Oh wow! You finished all inside the door already! It looks great.

Thank you so much for leaving such a nice comment on my Blog Chiloe. It's very much appreciated right now :o)

Sharon said...

Congratulations to Pierre!! What wonderful news!!! You do lovely stitching - I just LOVE this design - very charming and welcoming. Congrats also to you for the pink fiber win!! You're on a good roll!!!! :)

Carmen said...

Congratulations!! is a wonderful news!!

great adbavnce in your stitching ;)

M said...

Wonderful news about Pierre, felicitations!
Your Lanarte piece is really coming along nicely too :)
Thank you so much for commenting on my blog, I appreciate the support right now, I'm falling off the stitchy wagon with gardening season here.
Have a great day!

debijeanm said...

Congratulations! That's wonderful news!

Concetta said...

Your Lanarte project is lovely!

Stitchingranny said...

Oh Chiloe I am so please both for you and your son that you got the school of your choice.

Nice to hear good news.