The movie was good but like always, they showed the funniest part on the preview. I was surprised to see the room was not full. They had 320 tickets to give away. I guess some people don't think a good deal is worth ...
Chuy talked again about going back to Texas. I guess he misses his family very much (he has 4 brothers there ), the food (mexican I mean because he loves french food even though I don't know how to cook it ... ), his friends (he doesn't any here), and his job. He used to be a technician there and here, he works in a company as a worker ... I should not forget to talk about the sun , or rather the lack of sun :
... if you see what I mean ...
... I don't know if I could go back there ... sometimes I think I could and sometimes I am sure I couldn't ... I, I had no friends there beside one of my sister in law and I don't miss the tornado season
( I still remember hearing in disbelief on the radio that a tornado was hitting Fort worth while we were on the road
I really thought where are we going to hide? so scary ....... ) I also have good memories there but I mainly remember being bored and lonely. I don't know how serious he is. This thought comes back once in a while...
Hooray for Chiloe! She got over a little hump!
And now we know which she thinks is worse, over-one or green! ;^)
Aparecio el niño sin cara!! jiji bueno ahora con media cara ;)
your blog and your works are very beautifull
sorry for my Anglish
Thanks a lot for your visit. Don't worry if you don't speak Italian. I understand rather well written English. Can I add you to my list of friends?
OMG Look at that little boy's hands. He is going to be darling.
Wow, that would be another major move back to Texas. Keep us updated.
j'ai une idée.. tu déménages au Texas et tu m'invites... ainsi, on se rencontre et mon rêve d'aller aux USA se réalise.. qu'en dis tu de mon idée ?? bon, sans rire.. il n'y a que toi qui peut décider.. tu as déjà vécu là bas ??
génial.. tu as pris ton courage à deux mains et avancé le visage (et la main..)...
My sister spent about 10 months in France last year and one of the things she missed the most...Mexican food! I didn't really think about it, but that does make sense that there wouldn't be many (any??) Mexican places in Europe.
I've done 1 over 1 on 28-ct evenweave and it's not too bad...not a huge fan of it, but I survived it...LOL!
Good to see you working on the little boy. :) I don't think I could handle over-one on such a small count.
My husband was born in Texas and spent his childhood there. He's always telling me he'd like to go back. I think I'd like to visit there, but not sure I'd want to live there. :)
Great work getting started on the boys face and finishing his hand.
I moved interstate to live with Ralph and that was enough of a culture shock. Can't imagine how hard it would be moving overseas.
Been here 8 years now and my friendship group is now at 3. One is my sister-in-law and the other two are friends I made through the internet. I know other people but wouldn't call them close friends.
Just popping in to let you know I answered your question about how I know which google searches have arrived at my blog. Added a bit at the end of my post with a link to BlogPatrol who I use.
What count are you stitching that little boy on?
It's difficult, isn't it, when marriage partners are from different countries? We have the same issue. I miss Maine a lot, but as things now stand, I can't really picture Niek being happy there.
Your stitching progress is great!
The little boy looks great!
Your Christmas Tree piece is coming long nicely Chiloe. I've never seen this one being stitched before so it's a pleasure to see it.
humm..i hard live in another country, and far away from the family. Often idealize the place they leave, I know that because i do.. the city and country where I grew up, and strange to my family, and sometimes I would not refuse to be there, but when I see the positive aspects of living here in spain, and the good it is for the future of my daughter...i think in my case, was the best options... in the case of my marriage I am the foreign.
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