Not only I got the magazine but Debi added all the threads for the snowmen chart I was speechless when I saw the threads in that very useful plastic pouch !!! Waow, Debi: thank you for this precious gift! Thank you for your generosity
It brought me to tears ...
She also added a cute calendar full of Popcorn the bear patterns ( great for small fabrics !!! ) :

I love the stitching blogging community. I am virtually meeting great people ! Debi, thanks again: you are wonderful !!!
I wanted to tell you all about Pierre's appointment but it's getting late and I want to stitch a little bit. Esteban grabbed a pencil tonight and "drew" on some of my walls (covered with wall papers ) when I was preparing tomorrow clothes ... Of course, Pierre and Emma were too busy watching a music video on you tube to check him ... I tried to erase the mess but that poor quality pencil cannot really be erased ...
I want to show you my progress on the snow family:

super ton avancée, le petit bonhomme a un visage craquant !
j'adore le calendrier ! il y a les grilles avec ?
moins drôle pour la tapisserie..
Wow! That's wonderful! The blogging community is wonderful isn't it?
Your snow family is looking great!
You snowman family has another face in it! It's looking terrific!
Your friend Debi is very sweet. That a lovely package she sent you. :)
Cute snowboy face ^.^ I can definitely relate when you said you're avoiding doing one over one stitches. They're such a pain but so worth it when completed.
Hugs, my friend! I'm glad everything arrived in good shape. It was so much fun to surprise you!
Wow what a wonderful gift from Debi!
Your snowman family is looking gorgeous:)
Very generous gifts you received. Love the Popcorn Bear calendar. I've always wanted to stitch a popcorn bear pattern.
Are you able to get Mr. Clean Erasers? I think they would probably be able to remove the pencil from the wallpaper.
Your snow family is really coming along beatifully.
Now you stop that procrastinating and get that L&L boy's face done LOL :)
great gifts!, and the family is really cute.
so sorry for the wall :)
le calendrier a l'air magnifique !!!!!!!!
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