YES! I finished my stockings !!! At last should I add !!! I was really getting of the last stocking : you know the one I kept for the end, the one that has lots of green in it ... And to make it worse, those green were not even nice green !!!
So I stitched it on a 28 ct opalescent white fabric ( for the Christmas feeling !!! ) . I stitched it from november 27 th 2011 to january 31 st 2012.
I like it but I'm glad I'm done ! Did I choose a new project? You bet ! I can't stay without stitching for a long time. I had planned on buying the newest Lanarte ( the summer bouquet ! The one I fell in love with) but they are not released yet and it feels like a torture ! So I dug into my stash and found that Marjolein Bastin kit. It looks like a little bit like the summer fruit I stitched in 2010. I had so much fun stitching my summer basket. Check the picture below: autumn harvest.
The colors are really beautiful and listen to that : only 3 green !!! Yes, only 3 green !!! Isn't it amazing? I couldn't start it right away as I got a bad surprise when I opened the kit: there was a problem in the middle of the fabric. A thick line like a fabric scar and I couldn't use that nice fabric ( an antique white Monaco) . I contacted Janlynn and they should send me a replacement fabric but still, I had set my mind on this kit and didn't feel like choose another one. I'm lucky I had a Monaco fabric in my stash so I cut one piece to match the one I couldn't use anymore and on thursday, I was ready to start. After a few stitches, I realize I did make the right choice !!! I'm sure at the end, it's going to look like my summer fruit that really look like a painting! Lanarte do great job at charting Marjolein Bastin's art .
Thanks for stopping by 
It's looking lovely already. I love the colours in it.
Congratz on your first finish!!!
It it so beautifull... love the colors...
And you next piece.. You choose a really wonderfull.. To bad the fabric wasn't right, but how great is it they are going to send you a new one!!
hihihi.. you can't
YOu have a great start.
Have fun stitching it..
And enjoy the snow!!
How sweet! Congrats on the always feels wonderful and what a release too. LOL Especially on the ones with loads of colors. A nice choice on your next project. I was looking at this one myself. ;) Happy Stitching!
Again, your stockings came out to be adorable. Your new piece is going to be spectacular. I'm nuts for Bastin stuff and am looking forward to watching your progress. I need a stitching break; I mean, a break in my life so that I can do some serious stitching. On days like this I'm ready to say good-bye to exercise, housework, garden and job and catch the highway anywhere where I can snuggle in with a needle and floss. I don't know how you do it with three kids. I need to take lessons from you! Anyway, nice to visit here again and I'll "see" you on fb. Hugs!
Great job with those adorable stockings!
i really love your little stockings finish very pretty x
Your stocking finish is gorgeous. Great new start - love the colours - not too many greens lol.
congratualtions for the new finish, is beautiful!!. and the new project look great.
Thank you for the comment it made my day!!!! I will add you to my list of blogs so I can start reading your blog again!!!! Precious stitching!!!!!
tu as fini cette broderie en un temps record. bravo
The stockings are great! Love your new project. I love her stuff.
I do so love your stockings. How do you plan to finish it?
Love your new start too. I have never heard of Marjolein before. Thanks for sharing it, will look out for her designs :)
You did a great job on your stocking Chiloe. Congratulations on a lovely finish.
Lovely new start :)
Gorgeous finish!
The Lanarte is looking great.
Although I had to double check if I was visiting the right blog! There's green in both charts XD
Congrats on the cute stocking finish! It's lovely. Another beautiful design you have picked. You've got a wonderful start already :)
CUTE finish!
i love the stockings, congratulations they are beautiful!
could you give me the graphic? i wanna stitch them for my christmas...
my email:
thank you and good works!!!
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