Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I'm back !!!

I wanted to post on sunday but was too tired to do it ... Our trip was great but exhausting ....

I wanted to post yesterday but my landlord was here to change the living room french window. I don't really like this man because he curses a lot and always has something to say (negative, of course). I covered all my furniture and spent most of my morning in my bedroom. In the afternoon, I left to go to my parents' house because I couldn't stand to be stuck all afternoon long ...

When the landlord feft for lunch, he asked: " is there going to be someone in the afternoon? " No, of course, we love having a huge open hole in our living room ... We even think about sleeping in there to have that fresh smell of nature ... After school, I went with the kids to my mom's house to do their homeworks. We were able to come back at 7.00 pm ( which made his friend and him leave - could have stayed more ...) He had put some stuffs on my covered sofa and he said " can I leave the shutters and the sticks on it? " Yeah, that's obvious that as soon as you leave we'll go right away to bed I hope you didn't think we actually HAVE a life ...

Today, they are going to come back at 10 am to make more mess ... Last night, I vaccumed and mopped. ( more cleaning is waiting for me as dust went everywhere ... ) I hope they are going to finish today as my wednesdays are always very busy !!!

Here is my sunday progress:

I started a small project to bring with me when I have to go somewhere. I'll show you tonight or tomorrow (depending on my landlord schedule )

The kids are going to be off school wednesday to sunday then they will go back to school monday and tuesday and will be off for another 6 days ... In France, may is full of holidays !!!

I also hope to have time to show you our Disneyland pictures !!! Right now, I'm going to cover my furniture in my living room ( we did sit on our sofa last night )


Carmen said...

it says here that works at home know when they start but never when they will be finish, is a crazy time, I hope will soon your window is ready
we start the may holiday in Wednesday too :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on stitching all that GREEN! It will certainly be worth it as this is a lovely pattern.

Velda said...

Welcome back!!!!! I hope all that work is finished today!!! (((Hugs)))

Anonymous said...

mmmhhh ce qu'il est beau ton lanarte !!! bisous !

Linda K's Stitching Corner said...

That is sure getting more beautiful each time you show a progress picture...you are doing a very beautiful job on stitching that too...keep up the beautiful stitching...I hope your landlord get's done pretty soon with your windows...

Andie said...

Your progress is looking great... I am so glad we don't have a landlord anymore bah!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wow your Lanarte is progressing beautifully!

Anonymous said...

You have made amazing progress on your stitching.

Sorry about your landlord. That sounds like a massive pain but cross fingers it is worthwhile in the end.