It's a
me that welcome you today ( and to add to the fun, my throat is also irritated which give me a sexier voice or should I say : a guy kind of voice
Beside that I do feel guilty (and Chuy as well) because Emma told me last night what was her nightmare about ... See she was fine all day long and didn't even mention it until it was bed time. She first said she wanted to throw up then that her tummy hurt on the left side (picture me searching in my computer head what kind of organ we have on the left side - well, I was relieved it was not appenditis on the right side
I'm still having a lot of fun with my great Lanarte !!! The girls of my SAL seems to have deserted so it's hard to be motivated with a sea of green (and it doesn't help to be stitching a colorful design
) I'm stitching some flowers pots .

Have a great week end !!!
pfff.. j'suis dégoûtée !! tu avances trop vite !
Emma a dû en effet être traumatisée par ce cauchemar ! j'espère que les prochaines nuits seront calmes.
De plus en plus joli ! Par contre dommage que je sois nulle en anglais car j'aimerais bien savoir tout ce que tu raconte. (j'ai cliquer une fois sur le drapeau pour traduire mais y a certaines qui veulent pas dire rand chose :D ) Bises.
Je vois ça, tu as bien travaillé en 4 jours, les lanartes sont magnifiques!
bravo continue dans ta lancée ;-)
bisous d'Azalée
You have made great progress on your stitching.
It is so hard when our children have nightmares, so hard to respond properly when you are still half asleep.
lollll Chiloé après avoir vu la photo plus bas je viens de me rendre compte qu'il fait partit de mes encours celui-ci j'avais déjà fait le coté porte, ( on s'fait un sal à 2 ? ) mdrrrr
non j'rigole j'le finirais mais plus tard, j'ai encore des projets plein la tête ohlalala ça m'démange pour world perfect aussi de a mon ami pierre, mais le pire c'est quand la grille va arriver dans la boite à lettres...que vais-je devenir
bisous bisous
the nightmares are always so complicated to explain to the children. i hope Emma feel good today and dream only beautiful things.
i like your lanarte (the green part too ;) :lol:
Pobre Emma....ese si que fue un sueño muy feo :S
Poor thing :o( I hate nightmares and have a lot myself.
What a lovely project you are working on! Don't give up :o)
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