This is what I stitched last night. The letter L and I started the letter M. I am spending too much time on the internet lately... My husband needed help to create his own blog http://elgueroenfrancia.blogspot.com/ It is about his experience being a foreigner in France. He's new in that so he needs to work more on his posts.
Tomorrow, I am going to a new school downtown for a week. I am going to teach first grade again (like in the last three weeks) I don't know if I could work as a substitute teacher for a long time ??? It is so boring to start again in a school, to meet new people who are not always nice. I met a substitute teacher who has been doing that for seven years ! I don't think I could do that that long.... Anyway, the good thing about it, it's now I bring my cross stitch along. So if I eat along at lunch, I am not bored at all!!! And I can show you more WIP !!!!
My baby has been sick since friday. Today he still has temperature and it did not go down until I gave him two fever medecines. I hope they will accept him at the daycare center tomorrow.
I see some people do come in and read the blog but no comments so far ... Don't be shy ;) Let me know who you are !!!
Hola Nadine es un placer visitarle.. gracias mil garcias por tu visitar mi blog... saludos nela
Your WIP is great!! What's the name of the chart? Alice DD loves Winnie so I would buy the chart and stitch it for her birthday.
Sorry I hadn't seen your comment sooner. It is a kit from Royal Paris called Winnie and Lumpy. Maybe you'll find it on www.sewandso.co.uk I bought it in France.
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