A celebration of life! It was on a november 11 th that we got the devasted news that Pierre was sick with cancer. I will never forget that date and what I felt that day. He's now 18 years old and even though life still has some challenges for him, he's a heathly boy.
If you want to read his story, you can read this blog post I wrote in 2008: the story of a boy.
What a relief that must be to you and I hope Pierre has only good health from now on.
I love your beautiful Santa finish.
Have a good day x
That is so great that he has endured all of this and is still doing well for what he has gone through. I hope and pray that he will continue to grow into a young man and that he will be able to do what he wants. God Bless Him.
Your Santa is so cute and so adorable.
Happy Stitching
Linda K, Railroad
Glad he is doing so well, Chiloe. He's a handsome young man.
That's so wonderful! Take care :-)
So great to know that he has completelz recovered and has become such awonderful and healthy young man.
Pierre que bueno que ya este mucho mejor y que todo siga como ahorita y mucho mejor. Cuidate mucho eres un gran tesoro para tu papa y mama hermana y hermano!!!! sigue adelante con todos tus sueños que algun dia se van hacer realidad!!!!
So amazing to see the pictures of him growing up!
It's so great he is all better, and looking so great!
Enjoy your kids!!
Such great news, that he has fully recovered, such a handsomer young man he has grown into hun.
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