Monday, November 9, 2009

I did it again !

Yep, I finished my banner on saturday ! It's so nice to have another happy dance. It's not hard to have a happy dance so soon after the last one when you choose a small project AND when you don't correct your mistakes !!! So here it is:
Stitched on a 32 count blue Diamonds by Silkweaver. Too bad, I don't know how to finish it as a banner ...

So you may wonder (because we all know how curious you are !!! ), what's next ? I hesitated between three projects ( all Lanarte's) :

The kiss by Lanarte but that one is huge and I didn't want a big one this time.
The three bird houses: I like the hand dye fabric.
and Nesting box: I want to stitch that one but without the little birdies on the bottom. The only problem was the fabric: it's a linen and I hate linen. I didn't want to dig into my stash to find the right fabric (and yes there were lots of greens ... )
So what made me decide to stitch the three bird houses? My working copies were made a long time ago !!!

Here is the first pic of the first bird house I'm stitching on. As you can see, even though I ironed my fabric prior to stitch on it, we can still see the line in the middle ! If you know how to get rid of those lines, please let me know! Thanks !!! It's a Lanarte so it's a great pleasure to stitch !!! Large chart, barely any back stitches: after a Dimensions, it feels like heaven !!! And it makes me feel I stitch very fast as well.
On that picture, you can see the hand dye in the middle of the fabric.
Sunday was my birthday: I look terrible on the pictures so here is Emma bringing me my cake. I strawberry cake !!!


Annette said...

What a great finish, I'm doing a dance with you.....
What a lovely start, can't wait till the rest, but I think It wil be done soon..

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you....Congratz...
So the question is how many candles where on the cake this year, I think 4 is to little, or is it 40???

Anonymous said...

This first thing I do will ALL fabrics I stitch on (even hand dyed) is to wet all the creases. I then put the fabric between a white towel to dry a little bit and iron it while it is still damp. Even then there is sometimes a bit of a crease, but I do everything I can to get them out.

Laural said...

Congratulations on your finish!! Great start too! I love all the MJB designs.

I use water to iron out creases too. On all fabrics.

Carolyn NC said...

Congrats on the finish! Lovely new start, too. And Happy Belated Birthday!

Pumpkin said...

Happy Dance!!!! Nice finish! I guess the mistakes don't matter because they sure aren't obvious ;o)

Ohhh, I like your new start! Lovely fabric that came with it.

I didn't know it was your birthday :o( Happy (belated) Birthday! I have it written down for next year now ;o)

Ginnie said...

Love your banner. Hope you had a great birthday.

Carmen said...

congratulations for the finish!!!. i use spay water directeliy to the fabric (in the back side), and then the iron.
and happy brithday!.

Blu said...

Congrats on the not-yet-a-banner!
And belated Happy Birthday.

Unknown said...

nice finish and a happy belated birthday and I hope all your wishes come true.

Anonymous said...

Feliz Cumpleaños a ti .... espero la hayas pasado muy contenta !!!
También felicidades por tu banner te uqedo muuyyy lindo , y bueno el que empezaste te va a quedar igual muy bonito , me encanta esa diseñadora !!!!

Besos !!!


Nancy M said...

Cute finish and I don't see any mistakes. The onlooker rarely can! Try this no sew banner: I know you could do it. Or this one: Just trying to help you out! Happy belated birthday!

LoriRay said...

Congrats on your banner finish. Love the birdhouses!

I'm another one who sprays water on the fabric and irons. It usually takes several tries but has never failed to work for me.

Felicity said...

I hope you had a really good birthday!

Daffycat said...

A wonderful finish! Congratulations!

You've made a great start on the birdhouses. This is going to be lovely!

Creases on fabric? Wet them down, place the fabric in the freezer for an hour. Take it out and place it on a towel (face down if stitched) and iron it until it's dry.

Yvonne said...

Congratulations on your finish! It is very lovely. I love birds!

I actually never iron my fabrics before stitching. I guess my Qsnaps pulled them straight after a while.

Love your new start.

I bet you had a great birthday. Where are you in the picture? I've seen pictures of your family on your blog but hardly you.

Dawn said...

Beautiful girl & delicious cake. You did wonderful on that Christmas piece. I can't wait to see more of your progress!! ~ Dawn ~

Brigitte said...

Happy belated birthday. I hope it was a great day for you. And congratulations on your banner finish!
I definitely love your choice. I think I would have chosen this ones as well. I have some Marjolein Bastin kits myself but have never stitched one. I just thought of them when looking at yours because they all have irds too.

Vinniey said...

Happy belated birthday Chiloe!{{{Hugs}}}. Emma is so sweet! Congratulations on your banner finish! It look great and don't see any mistake on it. :) All the charts are beautiful and happy stitching on your new project!

Beth said...

Happy birthday! Congrats on the finish! Would have left a comment sooner but my computer freezes up when I read several of my blogs, yours included, sadly, and so now I have to read your blog elsewhere (til mine gets fixed!)

TammyK said...

Congrats on the finish & the new start!

Happy Birthday to ya! That cake looks awesome!

Srinity said...

A beautiful finish!
I was thinking that I love the one with three birdhouses before I scrolled down and saw that it was the one you started. :)
Happy belated birthday!

Mylene said...

Congrats on a beautiful finish.

Belated Happy Birthday!

Lesleyanne said...

Happy belated birthday. Congratulations on your finish and your new start.

Andie said...

~~~***Happy Birthday!***~~~ Hope you had an awesome day!

Aussie Stitcher said...

Happy Birthday Chiloe, I hope that you had a wonderful day, your cake looks delicious.

Marita said...

Happy birthday Chiloe, the cake looks delicious.

My sister in law always says she follows the Amish theory of craft. They make mistakes on purpose in their quilts because only god is perfect.

So I'm going to steal that idea and loan it to you. :)

barbibouille said...

Bon anniversaire!

Superbe tes petits oiseaux, tu en fait un coussin de porte?

Nima said...

Belated Birthday wishes....Emma looks cute and pretty..

the banner finish looks fabulous.