Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back from Paris (part 2 )

Day three: trying to recover ...

You can't climb 700 stairs and expect to be fine the next day unless, of course, if you are 12, 9 and 4 years old ... I'm very much out of shape ... I had to make several stops on my way to the floors ... Of course, some young dudes speaking german passed me like if they were happily going to their bedroom to play some video games ... Obviously they didn't carry three kids and don't have any baby fat left around their hips ... In the morning, my lower legs had to warm up a bit before being able to hit the parisian roads ... I asked the kids how they felt: NONE of them had a leg pain: not even a tiny one not fair ...

The program of the day was to go to visit the Museum d'histoire naturelle. That visit was very much anticipated by the kids! They were hoping it will look a little bit like the night at the museum movie. And it was but only animals were displayed. I took some pictures but as in most museums the flash is not allowed so the pictures are a litlle under exposed in the musem. To my ( good) surprise, the museum was free for the kids !!!

The musem has a garden full of flowers:

A general view of the inside museum (3 floors with elevators !!!):

Is my naughty 4 yo doing what I think he's doing with his tongue? This is totally NOT parisian chic

After lunch in the park, we headed to the Champs Elysées for some shopping!!! The kids goal was the Disney Store! Well, what a disapointment, everything was over expensive ... We thought we could buy a nice tee shirt for Steb (like the one he was wearing with Mickey) but alas, they were very ugly. I guess they keep their nice kid apparel for Disneyland ... (you can even buy your ticket to Disneyland in the store.)

As you guess we were tired and decided to go back to the apparthotel. Someone thought it will be very cool to fall asleep in the Metro:

The children loved the hotel !!! Why? Because they had a TV in THEIR bedroom (don't get mistaken: 10 pictures = 1 good one to post especially because the TV has a strange power of attraction .... )

Day 4:

Focus of the day: the Arc de Triomphe!

Yes, I did dare taking picture IN the Metro (because it was almost empty) but with no flash. Look at how tender is Steb in the morning !!!

Here is THE arc de Triomphe !!! Full of tourists like us !!!

No, we didn't climb the 284 stairs to the top (even though we thought about it )

So to who do you ask when you want a family picture? A japanese of course !!! and by looking at his camera, he knew what he was doing !!! He was a very nice guy ! ( Felicity, I'm here !!! )

The problem when you travel with a family of 5 is the cost of meals. Unfortunately, we had to stick with fast foods (the cheapest option ... ) It's weird but no kids complained ... (yes, I also took a picture in a fast food ... )

After lucnh, we went back shopping! This is one of the big store of Paris: Le Printemps. While we were passing close to that store, we saw a forgotten backpack and security guards who were asking people to not get close. Later on, the police came to explode the package ...

I did some shopping in my favorite store: GAP !!! And you know what? They had a 30 % off sale on their logo clothes so I got some back to school clothes for my boys:

I wanted to buy the dark blue sweatshirt for Pierre but he said it was too red ... teenagers I don't care: I bought it for Steb At least, him, he's always happy to get new clothes (and not only clothes that were Pierre's ... )

And what do the boys do while the girls shop? They WAIT !!!! but with a smile !!!

Are you still here? This is the end of my report of our parisian trip !!! Hope it was not too boring ??? See you tomorrow for some stitching update !!!


Annette said...

what a lovely pictures.
It looks great there.
have fun...

Dawn said...

Oh my gosh! Everything looks fun. I love your stories. You survived!! LOL Those pics look great. It is good to see you even the pic of you is tiny. LOL ~ Dawn ~

Ranae said...

How could we ever get bored of a lovely family vacation?! You took some fab photo's.
Your legs may ache, but don't the burn make you feel good?!! lol Hope your doing better now. The kids will have wonderful memories

Daffycat said...

Wow, all those animals...that museum is awesome!

Really enjoyed the vacation photos!

Carmen said...

wonderful pictures !!, all show good times,even with the pain in the legs.

Marita said...

Everyone looks so happy. :) Thank you for sharing the pictures.

No wonder Steb wasn't tired after climbing 700 stairs, it looks like he was carried most of the way. :)

tkdquintmom said...

Fantastic pics...make me want to go very soon!

Anonymous said...

I love Le Printemps jsut before Christmas. They have fabulous windows. I am here in Montreal practicing my French, "Merci", "L'addition, si vous plait." Oh, well, I hope my pronunciation is better than my spelling!

Brigitte said...

Your pictures from Paris are terrific. I loved looking at them and making this trip with you. Reminded me of my own visits to Paris ... long ago.

Cathy said...

The stairs to Arc de Triomphe would have been nothing compared to the 700 to Tour Eiffel :) said...

WOW what a beautiful pictures, it looks a wonderful holiday, and what a wonderful Children you! France is really even worth a visit! Pity that a nice vacation is over so quickly!

Céleste said...

Je suis contente de voir que vous avez bien profité de ce séjour dans nôtre jolie capitale ( et si chère !!!! ) . Gros bisous ma belle

Tammy said...

Great pics Chiloe! What a fabulous time it looks like you had. I'm jealous of your trip, lol! That would be a dream come true for me!

Anonymous said...

Great trip! Ah beautiful Paris! Especially in the summer time. So beautiful!
You are right Steb does look like James A LOT! Are they international brothers in some way?
We have some Playmobil as well, but they aren't as popular here as Legos...though Playmobil can be found at ToysRus.
Funny you visited the Disney store just today we were talking about a short trip to Disney in Florida for October. They have special Halloween parades and events.

Pumpkin said...

LOL! Love all the pictures and LOVE the commentaries ;o)

YES! You finally post a picture of yourself, although it's a tiny one ;o) You have a lovely family.

polka said...

superbes ces photos ! toute la famille a l'air bien heureuse :)