Busy wednesdays !!! Today was not exception to the rule. I took Pierre to speech therapy at 9.30 then we headed to the hospital where Pierre had his appointment with his oncologist. We discussed about Pierre's poor diet and my worry he could be missing vitamins to grow. He only grows 4 centimeters a year which is not a lot ... So Pierre is going to see a nutritionist and she's going to run some tests on him. He lives on pastas, french fries, tortillas. Last time, he tried a pea ! Yes, you read well: ONE pea !
He never eats vegetables or fruits. You should have seen how my mom tortured him
today when she asked him to drink a fresh orange juice she made for him.(I wanted to find a smilie of a glass of orange juice but I only found those:
Not suitable for a kid ...
) I'm sure the nutrionist will ask me to record his eating habits so I'm going to start tomorrow. If it takes a month (or more) to have an appointment, I could bring her something to work on and we won't be wasting time waiting for another month until our next appointment.

On my way to the exit, I met the mom of a little girl who got sick at the same time of Pierre. Her little girl is doing fine but I learned that a teenager who had a bone marrow disorder died despite a second try of a bone marrow transplant. It's so sad ...He was such a handsome young man. She also told me a little girl who had a rare cancer died after they tried a bone marrow transplant. This is so scary ... On december, we are always invited to the christmas party where the child and his sibblings see a show and get a gift (the great part for them
). It's always nice to meet the parents we met during those hard time but at the same time, I'm always afraid to learn that a child could have gotten sick again... The fear all parents have ...

Enough sadness in this post (maybe you stopped reading it already
) I stitched a little bit last night because it took me time to write an email about our crasy trilingual family
so maybe you'll see a difference between the two pictures and maybe not !!!

It seems almost finished but there is still a lot of work to do (where is the smilies that throws a fist?
Didn't find any
Thank you sweet pea for the links about the address labels. I ordered from colorfulimages but I saw very nice ones on the links you gave me, especially one with Hello kitty on it!!! I saved the links for later ! I have all my orders going to the APO address so I save on shipping charges.
My father in law's pneumonia is improving but he now seems to be disoriented: he says things that make no sense. Could he had suffered a stroke also?

Good luck with your nutritionist appointment. Hopefully you're able to learn some ways to get Pierre trying new and healthier foods. It is a challenge to get kids to eat healthy, something I worry about alot and my kids are older.
Your stitching looks amazing as usual.
Oh, and in answer to your question on my blog about the age of my daughter that bought me Keith Urban tickets, she is 14 years old. She is working at her first job and spent her first full pay cheque to buy me my Christmas gift.
My little niece is a horribly picky eater - she's just awful. But the doctor says she's getting enough nutrition and she's growing appropriately, so he's not that worried about it. She has gotten better about eating since she started pre-school though, so maybe your son will grow out of it.
Maybe you can call the nutritionist's office and ask if there is any other prep work you should be doing before your appointment. Good idea on logging what he's eating!
We used to get the Colorful Images catalogs and I was always SOOO tempted to order stuff from them - they have such cute things
So sad about the children at the hospital. Every parents worst nightmare.
Good luck with the Nutritionists and keeping the log.
j'espère que tu auras bientôt le rendez vous avec le nutritionniste.... tu me diras...
je ne savais pas que ton beau père était malade... j'espère qu'il va se remettre sans trop de pbs...
toujours aussi beau ton Lanarte !!
bonne nuit....
My younger son HATED anything that photosynthesized. We insisted that he eat his veggies at dinner every night and he would swallow them whole with a mouthful of milk to get them down. Finally, at 18 he announced he was an adult now and would not go through this torture any longer. "After all," he concluded, "you can't tell me I won't get 'big and tall' if I don't eat my veggies anymore." (He was already almost 6'6" and still growing.) However, my family has passed Benign Essential Tremor down through the generations and his is the worst. Both my brother's and mine got somewhat better when we started taking vitamins and I wonder now if my son's is as severe as it is because of his lack of decent nutrition.
I can't even imagine what all you are going through. I'm thinking about you and your family. Have strength! Your stitching is amazing!
Oh my goodness, you've got a lot of health-related issues to deal with! I have fingers and toes crossed that everyone comes out okay - and soon! Take care!!!!
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