do you see in the little fairy's dress? I see pink and light purple. WRONG! Those are all different shades of browns
With all the threads I have, I was still missing 3 colors. But anyway, I want it the way it is on the chart's picture so I decided to choose my own colors for the first time! I am hoping she will look the way I see her on her picture
Debbijeann, I answered you on your blog 

I added also a bee on my Lanarte. I am now stitching the boring vase (really boring

The detail in this project continually astounds me!
Merci, Chiloe! I'm working on getting my own chart (and more from that designer as they are so fabulous! Like the baby fairy in the swing hanging from a branch.)
Browns?!? No way. I'm seeing pink and lavender for sure, kind of like a sunrise. I'm with you - when the time comes adjustments shall be made.
Amazing work on the vase. Well done.
I can not see any browns in the fairy dress either. Best to go with picking your own colours.
come on you can do that boring vase. I know it!! It is really beautiful and you will be happy when it is done :)
I will take a pic of my scissors now and post them on my blog. Meant to do it earlier, but I had major server issues .. now it's only minor issues ...
This piece continues to grow in its beauty. You're doing an awesome job with it.
This piece is truly impressive! It is gorgeous!! I, too, love the little fairy and agree with everyone else about the colors! Have a great day!
MERCI, (just practicing) for sending me to Nine's site. (That is her name, right? I kept trying to translate it in Babel fish and it kept coming up "Nine". Duh) Anyway, that faerie baby against the sunset (sunrise?) is amazing! Guess I'll have to do some shopping around.
Marron?? yo solo veo gris, purpura y rosado ¿??
Muy buen progreso en el diseño de Lanarte :)
Oh wow your vase of flowers is just stunning:) You can do the "boring" vase!
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