It's not me who is a snail !!! Today was taxi day: typical of my wednesdays ... Emma has her art and music classes, Pierre plays the coach potato and Steb tries to imitate him
Pierre did go to speech therapy today and he did well again on logic
I'm very happy for him because it always boosts his self esteem (you may remember he lacks self esteem ...) We also went to the lab to have his blood draw. I'm glad we did that this morning because when we arrived at the speech therapist, he started complaining about a pain in his leg. Each time, he complains about a leg pain, I can't help worrying about his cancer coming back ... I know he played soccer at school yesterday but this thought is always in the back of my mind ... He'll see his oncologist in the begining of december for a regular control.

Well, enough whining, I did stitch last night and here is the pic that will help understand the tittle !!!

Your Wednesdays sound VERY busy!!!
This one gets nicer every time I see it, I love watching your progress.
Your snail is looking great!
So hard not to worry and jump to the worst case scenario when it is your childrens health. Hope the test results come back quickly and give the all clear.
Every little bit of stitching gets you closer to a finish.
Your snail is lovely! ;) That's a pretty design.
It must be difficult not to worry about Steb. I do hope the test results are fine.
Oh wow your vase of flowers is so pretty. You make so much progress everytime I see it:)
WOW ça va être magnifique ! Je te trouve bien courageuse, car des fleurs comme ça je n'y arriverais pas..
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