I changed my counter. I got the new feedjit counter and I like to see how people ended up on my blog. I was surprised to see that some people came from blogs that have a link to my blog. Thanks to all who put my blog's link to their blog !!!

Who else had a problem with my blog before?
Here is the new picture of my Lanarte. I didn't stitch last night: I checked blogs and bulletin boards

Back to stitching

Love this piece :) I am excited how it comes along every day :)
Never had a problem with your blog.
We also have a popup blocker - seems like everyone would by now! - so I've never had troubles with your blog, either. :)
Never had problems with your blog. Thank you, Pop-Up Blocker. :D
Hello! Thanks for the comment. I'm adding your blog to my google reader too!
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