If you have 6 kids and read this blog, I really want to tell you I admire you a lot !
Yesterday I babysat in the morning for my friend Astrid who has 3 kids of her own. So with my 3 ones, I had 6 children in my appartment. Everything was fine until it was lunch time and I had 6 hungry stomacs to feed. It was so overwhelming to have all these hungry kids! We made fajitas so it's not like when you have one single dish. Here you have to make a burrito for each kid. Then they ate so fast, they soon wanted another one .
Of course, we ate after they all finished ... I don't know how parents with more than 3 children do ... They probably don't make fajita's often
After lunch, we took the kids to the park (Astrid came back at lunch time to eat fajita's !!!) The kids had a lot of fun and we had a nice chat until a crazy guy started playing with his remote control car (the adult kind that works with gas) next to the kids area
He even told to the girls: be carefu, because if the car hits you, it will hurt a lot
We left soon after because it has became noisy and smelly ...
Anyway, it was getting late and night starts now around 5.30 pm. I really don't like this time of the year 

By the way, I didn't stitch yesterday. Sometimes, when I stitch a lot, I feel the need to take a break. I never stay away from cross stitching for a long time but breaks are necessary
It sounds like quite a challenge! ;)
I don't have 6 children, but I have 4 and let me tell you I NEVER eat until my 4 are finished. Because I'm too busy filling up their plates, to eat myself! LOL!
I have 7 kids - 4 biological + 3 stepsons (now all adult). You teach them young that helping is not an option. By two, my middle daughter was happily helping me bake scones on a regular basis. By the time the eldest was 13, each child had a night that they helped cook or actually did the deed. They each had their own speciality. None of them starve now, or resort to takeout.
Six kids?!? Wow, busy day! :D
We have no kids (yet), so I can't even imagine having to cope with just a single one, let alone six... ;)
Whew!! Just the thought of 6 kids makes me tired lol. I have 2 and that is more than enough for me. :-)
Hi Chiloe! I'm popping through to your blog from Velda's blog and I just wanted to say that I have 7...my youngest is 1, oldest is 14...and I had to chuckle at your lunchtime experience. You know that parents of that many kiddos just don't eat, right? LOL Sounds like you made it through with flying colors.
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