And here is my regular project (you know the boring one ...) :
I didn't stitch a lot last night. It's hard when the colors are so boring. You can see, I do a little bit on the right, a little bit on the left. It seems I can't focus on anything ...
I am still looking on the internet to order some stuffs from the US. Missy, I already placed an order with Old navy (I used to shop there) I placed on order on amazon as well. I got Desperate housewives season 3 (not yet on national TV here - only on the satellite ) and Gilmore girls season 1 (never made it on TV here but I read good reviews
Good start on your new project. It will be gorgeous and I can't wait to see it come to life.
The flower vase is coming along nicely as much as it is causing you moments of boredom.
joliiiiii bravo tu avances telment vite, je n'en reviens pas.
Veux tu que je regarde ce que mon fils a comme livre pour apprendre l'espagnol a l'école?
2ème langue ;-)
I can't wait to see the fairy finished!!! LOL. The lanarte project looks great too.
Old Navy kids' clothes are great - we've gotten some from my brother. :D
Sometimes you just need a break working on something different to help keep you going through the boring stuff.
I'm looking forward to seeing the fairy finished.
Sometimes that little break just keeps you going. We should all enjoy stitching, unfortunately all to often it becomes obligation.
Oooh I love the start you've made on the fairy. It's lovely.
You are getting along so well with the vase and the flowers. Keep going:)
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