I didn't stitch last night. Time flies and when it was time to grab my fabric, it was too late to start something ...
There was a good news this morning (if you think stash you win !!!
) I got my 4 charts from Dome in China!
I think I never had anything coming directly from China (beside everything that I have in my home that was made in China
There was a good news this morning (if you think stash you win !!!

Pierre's result came back and everything is fine. Steb's lab result came back too but he's a little anemic so I guess he'll need iron supplement. I have his pediatrician appointment at the begining of december. I hope it's not something worse than that ....
You may remember I am participating to a christmas exchange for the first time. Like for an advent calendar, the goal was to gather 25 small gifts (12 cross stitch related and 13 non cross stitch) I already sent my package wihch arrived at Belette's home on tuesday. Here are the pics of what I sent her:

I can't wait to get mine but my partner barely shipped it so I have to wait ... The opening of the first gift will be on december 1 st !!! It was fun to go shopping and think what could make her happy!
I took a picture of my Rock a bye fabric and the threads on it so you can see it's mainly brown colors (except for the 3860 and 3864 that I didn't have)

The colors for your floss toss are gorgeous - so warm!
Very glad to hear that the kids' test results came back mostly okay. Our eldest has a tendency to be anemic, too, so he gets kids multivitamins with an iron supplement and that helps alot. He also uses a "light therapy" lamp for two 10 minute periods a day, which helps even a little more.
So pleased that Pierre's results came back fine. I got mixed up with names in my last comment so sorry about that:)
Those thread colours and the fabric are gorgeous. Such warm colours.
Sounds like you had fine news all around. Terrific!
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