If you don't like to read but like to look at pictures, you're going to be very happy today
because I have a lot of things to tell and show you.
First, Esteban got a little accident yesterday. We were going out to buy him new shoes (as he jumped from one shoe size to the next one in one month or one month in a half). I didn't realize it right away (I even thought it was his slippers that were bad
) Pierre and Emma's shoes always lasted longer than that ... Anyway, while in our way to the garage, Steb fell down and got injured on his face (above his lips) I think a little rock took some flesh away because he had a little hole. So I took him to the doctor to see if he needed some stitches. As a stitcher myself, I thought if I could practise on him, he would be fun !!!
Just kiding
As we arrived at our family practice, I could see that our doctor was here so we just sneaked in and he took Esteban very fast. He didn't required stitches: he put steri strips instead. The only problem is that the steri strip doesn't stay very well ... I hope he won't have an ugly scar ...
He was very brave at the doctor office and didn't cry too much. (I have 2 screamers at home
Let's talk about stash: I have something new to show you. So I got my chinese charts, my world of cross stitching and I bought a new french magazine with a lot of christmas designs !!!

Let's talk about stash: I have something new to show you. So I got my chinese charts, my world of cross stitching and I bought a new french magazine with a lot of christmas designs !!!

I saw those on an american bulletin board (click to enlarge) The colors are stuning.

Nothing really exciting in this one (beside the bear on the cover) and the next issue is even worse ...

You know I love Christmas and there is some nice stuffs in that french mag.
When we came back from the mall yesterday, I found a package waiting for me in my mailbox. It was my christmas partner's package Finally
I don't need to tell you I'm very exciting about seeing all these goodies
I am a reasonable girl and I didn't touch any of those to make guesses of what it can be (not like a 7 years old girl who is checking everything while I am writing to you
Of course, now she can't put everything back the way it was
And she said: "you know what it's nice? It is that I like to put things in order
I think I should have recorded it for the time she complain when I ask her to clean her room

Not boring at all!
I hope Estaban's lip heals fast and without scarring. My brother cut his upper lip/face very badly when he was about 8 and it left a scar that he's always been so self-conscious about. He has a moustache now to hide it, and he doesn't look good with a moustache!
Your stitching and stash pictures were also fun! Enjoy a happy Sunday!
Awww, poor Esteban! I hope he doesn't have a scar.
I love those Dome charts - where did you get them?
Your stitching is coming along beautifully!
Awww poor Esteban. I hope it heals quickly and doesn't scar.
Nice stash pictures. I bet you can't wait to open those gifts:)
Your vase of flowers is looking stunning.
Poor thing! Is he eating regular food?
Your vase is filling in beautifully!
Poor little Esteban! Hopefully he doesn't end up with a scar.
Really like the new patterns you have there and the bear on the magazine is adorable.
Can't wait to see what kind of presents you got. It'll be fun watching you opening them and sharing with us.
Your stitching is coming along nicely. Are you almost finished your current piece? I can't remember how much is over on the left side of the pattern.
Happy stitching day to you!
I'm really sorry to hear about Esteban's accident. I hope he recovers quickly. Your stash looks interesting.And your Lanarte project is soon done!!!
Pauvre steb !!!! c'est vrai que ces strips ne doivent pas trop tenir, surtout à cet endroit là !
trop belles les grilles... je vais chercher si je les trouve..
tu as drolement bien avancé ton lanarte je trouve...
bon, je file.. j'ai l'impression que le temps file aussi et que je n'avance pas !!!
gros bisous.. à bientôt !
Poor Esteban. I hope he heals up okay with no scars.
Good progress on your stitching.
Il ne s'est pas loupé sur ce coup là! Et ça doit faire mal a cet endroit :-(
Sinon tu as bien travaillé! bravo
First time on your blog and your stitching is really nice.
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