Thanks for your comments about Steb's lip. The steri strip doesn't really sticks above the lip. That place is too humid so I'm afraid it's not going to heal very well ...
There is always a doctor at the day car center on monday, so I'm going to ask her to take a look at his lip.

Yesterday afternoon was very quiet so I did some stitching. Pierre went to his grand'ma's house, Emma went to play with a friend and Steb took his nap. When Pierre came back, he started complaining about a headache. I gave him a pain medecine but he cried and ended up throwing up. This morning he was feeling better and went to school. I took advantage to a visit to the doctor this morning and asked him if his migraines could be linked to the chemo he got. He said there is probably a link and he gave me a natural medecine to drain his liver. I hope he will help ...
Here is a picture of my Lanarte ! I stitching the nest actually. You may have noticed that I didn't stitch the right part like I planned to ...

Great ! I just got an email from the Disney Store: they shipped the package !!!
Target only sent the 2 mugs but not the tee shirts (even though it was written on stock on their web site ...
) Let's keep our fingers cross that all the orders make their way safely to Germany and on time for christmas ...

Fingers crossed that all the kids recuperate and enjoy some healthy holidays!!
This piece is so beautiful and impressive. It will be a work of art when it is finished! When I was teaching, I read an article about what to do when children come up to you all the time for help. They said to tell them to pretend they can do the work. I tried it and it worked with the kids! So - I hated to backstitch and I had a piece that had a LOT of backstitching. I decided to try that same strategy. I pretended I liked to backstitch, and IT WORKED!! I got through the piece and enjoyed it and now I actually like to bs andlook forward todit! Try that and see if it works! Hope the kids get to feeling better! Have a great day!
Your Lanarte is coming along beautifully. Sorry to hear you had a visit by the frogs. I tend to keep my blender handy for those pesky devils!
The Lanarte is looking beautiful.
I hope you don't meet the frogs again for awhile!!
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