Tuesday .
I am still working on the nest and still bore with it ... I'd like to finish it as soon as possible and be able to work on my sweet fairy !!! I still many a lot of stitches to do in this nest.
The day care's pediatrician checked Esteban's wound and she took out the steri strip. It's amazing: we cannot see the hole anymore ! It's just like a regular cut. I'm going to try to buy a medecine to avoid scars today.
How great to hear that Esteban's healing well. Good luck with the scar-prevention medication!
Glad to hear Esteban is healing well so far.
Your piece is coming along well and soon enough you'll be working on that adorable fairy.
It looks lovely and the nest looks really good. xx
Great news about Esteban. Wont be long before you are stitching on the fairy.
This one just gets better and better. I am sure it wont be long until it is finished now and you can stitch your fairy.
That's great about Esteban's lip. Amazing, sometimes, how kids heal.
Your stitchery is really looking "finished." You'll be so happy when it's done - for all the right reasons.
I put the picture of the fairy on my desktop at work and can't wait for her to get here and tempt me, too. Of course, I'm still fretting over what fabric to use. The green that's shown on the Nimue site? Shall I try to dye something like Nine did? Or something else entirely?
BTW, are you using the Au Ver A Soie silks or did you sub out something else?
first: Good luck with the medication.
second:your work is beautiful.
i hope all be ok..hugs
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