This piece is really beautiful and I have a lot of pleasure to stitch it !!!
We went to visit the baby girl of our brasilian friend who was born on october 26 th. Her name is Maya. I stitched the mouse for her. I should have stitched her name on my mouse but I cant find the chart
Here is a picture of Emma, esteban and maya. Emma have a strange look on the picture but it's the baby's father who took the picture. I had forgotten my camera.
Your vase of flowers is coming out pretty. And those children are adorable!
You work very quickly!! This is very nice!! Bye
Your piece is coming along nicely - you know you have to tackle the vase sooner or later, right? ;)
Love the pic of the kiddies. :)
This is coming along so nicely.
The pic of Esteban and Emma with Maya is lovely.
Chiloe no dejes todo el blanco y crema para el finaaal sino te vas a arrepentir :S
Linda la foto de tus pequeños con la bebe de tu amiga. Me gusta el nombre que eligieron :)
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