If you want to see a beautiful finish, go to Yvonne's blog to see her beautiful piece. I think she made the perfect match between a design and a fabric. What do you think?
I wanted to blog yesterday but didn't find time last night. It doesn't help that lately I've been having lots of ups and downs (more downs than ups actually) I hate feeling that way and I hope it won't last too long ... Pierre got sick and had to stay home two days. Today he went back but complained he had a headache. With him, I don't know if it takes advantage of kind of being sick to not go to school and do anything or if he's really not feeling well. Also, low temperature worries me as that's the way his leukemia started. If he continues he will get a blood test but I learned not a long time ago that a blood test dooesn't necessilarly show something. He's also teething: who would have thought a 12 y.o. will be teething? Not one, not two but three molars are piercing which causes him pain (he's also very sensitive to pain).
I was checking Ebay last week and found some Lanarte kits that were on the "buy it now" list. I couldn't resist when I saw this rare kit:
This wreath is OOP and very hard to find and usually goes up to 45$ - 50$ (or more) . And I was able to buy it for a very reasonnable price. The fabric is evenweave (my favorite) so I won't have to change it !!!
Then I saw that one:
I hesitated but it's another OOP hard to find kit that I have hardly seen on Ebay (or it was illegal copies). It also has an evenweave fabric to please me !!!
Will you believe that I sent my check right away but forgot to add the shipping price
The seller sent me an email saying : " thank you for your fast payment, it's too bad you didn't add the shipping!" What an embarrassment ....
She had sent the kits anyway. (she's lucky I'm an honest person, right? I sent her another chack the same day ) I'm so happy with my purchase and may stitch the wreath (I love the happy colors) as soon as the squirrel is finished.

The squirrel? Here it is:
I think I almost completed the squirrel itself but it's not close to be all finished as the whole piece is stitched. I usually stitch pieces where there is always some kind of unstitched parts. Not this time (I guess it makes me feel the pain of the HAED stitchers

Tomorrow, Steb goes to the zoo with his school. I tried to volunteer to go with them but all the spots were already taken

By the way, all images are clickable

Chiloe, you really got some beautiful kits from ebay!! How exciting! Hey, don't be embarrassed, we all forget things from time to time, but it was very nice of you to send her the shipping afterwards:) You are a good customer;)
Wow! You are moving so quickly on that adorable squirrel!
What a beautiful kits you have bought.
Now find the time to make them.
Your squirrel looks great.
Please let this comment get through this time. I couldn't get the last comment to get through. Thank you so much for the praising of my latest finish, Chiloe.
Sorry to hear that Pierre is sick. I hope everything goes well for him and you.
Neat stash you got there! That Lanarte wreath is very lovely. Really great buys you got there!
I got to say this squirrel looks much nicer than the picture shown on Lanarte picture on other ONS. It is really very lovely.
wow, those are some truly beautiful Lanarte kits that you were able to find. And it is so nice that they include evenweave to stitch on. It is so much nicer.
Your squirrel is coming along nicely. Not too long now.
Love the two OOP kits you got, lucky find there. What a great ebay seller to, sending it on and letting you send shipping cheque after.
Squirrel looks fantastic, he is so adorable.
You are such a Lanarte addict! LOL. The squirril looks great!
Sorry to hear that Pierre is sick. I hope all goes well soon.
the kits are lovely.
cute squirrel.
I hope your little bit of retail therapy will help you out of your downs & ups, so you'll have some more ups and fewer downs. I also hope that all's well with Pierre - I can't imagine having the constant worry of serious illness hanging over me. I'm such a total worrier when it comes to the kids as it is. We are going to the zoo today - the kids have yet another teacher-study-day off school. Take care!!!
When you find great kits like that it's a given that you HAVE to buy them right?? :o) Squirrel is too cute. Hope Pierre is feeling better.
J'espère que Pierre va mieux ;-)
Tes achats sont très sympas et ton ecureil avance gentillement alors que juin est un mois peu proprice à la broderie avec toutes les activites de fin d'année.
Those are lovely kits! Congrats on a super find. I've sold many things on eBay, and believe me, you aren't the only one who forgets the shipping. lol
Very nice kits you've bought:) I bet you're not the first to forget to add the shipping and you won't be the last!
The squirrel is coming along really well.
I hope Pierre is better soon and that you are feeling brighter too {{{{hugs}}}}
Oh my, I alos have this wreath kit and had completely forgotten about it before reading your blog entry. I think I have to pull it out and start stitching on it. It's too beautiful to just leave it in the box.
nice stash !
tu n'en a pas assez dans tes tiroirs !!!!!
j'ai un lanarte qui sera fait un jour ... la banc avec les saisons
Au fait chiloe je te pépare les bouchées au choco meringuées si tu viens à la maison!!!!
Nice additions to your stash pile! BTW, what do you do with the charts once you stitch the kits up?
Chiloe, you've been a very naughty girl! Look at all the beautiful kits you bought. Okay, they're OOP so I guess it's okay ;o) LOL!
Your squirrel is adorable.
I hope Pierre is okay. I know what you mean about worrying about little things. It's hard not to think that something serious might be going on. Sending you lots of ((((HUGS)))).
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