So I am a weak person who want to escape boredom from a pink project ...
Soooo, I dug in my stash boxes to choose my next project and try to find the project that won't bored me after two weeks. I also wanted a medium size project. Sooooo ..... I chose Nibbling beechnuts by Lanarte ( I really need to reduce my Large Lanarte stash, right? ) but now I'm not so sure of my choice ... But there is no turning back ... 

I'm stitching it on the fabric from the kit. I'm guessing the fabric is a jobelan. There is only 40 colors
(and yes, I think I can handle the greens !!! )

And here is my first start: a small brownish thing !!!

I took a picture of my snowman with my camera so you can see the real colors:
Thank you all for your nice comments on my finish: you made my day. I also want to thank you for your support when I don't feel very well, especially when I'm not so good at commenting. I really appreciate it A LOT !!! 

I also took a picture of my fuchsias. I stitched the very light

Personal message to the bird (s) who has (have) a stomach bug: my car is NOT your private restrooms !!!

Ouuuuuu, I like that one :) You are naughty though. Maybe if you do stitch on your fushias once or twice a week. That might give you a break from all that green in your new project ;) LOL!
Hope you feel better soon. It's no fun being sick :(
what a lovely choice for a new WIP. Many different colors, that stitch nice.
Your fushias is looking great, when I find a color boring after stitching, I start with a new color, and now and than I do the boring color, .
Good luck stitching, your pieces look very beautiful
I lov your snowman finish, he is so cute and so loving to the animals. Your new squirel project is super cute but there is so much green that you hate.
Great job on your snowman finish! I'm almost done with my snowman.
Your new project is really cute too.
Your snowman is lovely :D I'm a bit worried about the green in this new project though.... maybe a length of green and a length on the fushias? :D No baby yet, she has 10 days of cooking allowed left.... hopefully soon!
SQUIRREL!!!!! Hi there! (I'm sorry...I can only thing of that dog saying that in the movie trailer from Up! from Pixar...rotf)...the little nut gatherer is so cute!
Congratulations on the big finish. Beautifully done. Lov eyour new start
Congratulations on your finish. It must feel so great to finish such a big design.
I love your new project. What a lovely little squirrel this is.
the snowman is so cute,and lovely finished.
Oh!!!!! a lot of green in this lanarate!!you are so brave!, the squirrel is cute.
bad birds! here we are lucky, for a unknow reason they prefer the car of our neighbor, maybe, because he clean the car frequently,, we clean the car only in rainy days (lol)
Snowman is really cute. LIke other posters said 'lots of greens!!' for your new project.
Congrats on finishing the snowman!! He is so cute!!
That looks like a wonderful new start. Can't wait to see your progress on it.
Like your new start choice and it has great colors too!
Keep on those fuschias and you'll be finished before you know it! They're very pretty:)
and I do LOVE your snowman:)
Good idea to just stitch on Fuchsias once a week - enjoy your new stitch. I love your snowman!
Bravo pour ton bonhomme de neige!!!
C'est une bonne idée de reprendre une fois pas semaine tes fuchsias de cette manière tu réussiras à les terminer.
Joli modèle ton nouveau Lanarte mais toutes ses couleurs, pas trop reposant, en tout cas il promet!!!
ce modéle est vraiment chouette!
Ooooh those dratted birds. I've had some visiting my car here in Melbourne and it is very frustrating.
I think doing a little of the Fuchsias along with something else you enjoy is a really good idea.
ohhhhh the snowman is soooooooo cute!! =)
Great work! :)
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