Saturday, June 27, 2009

Stash day !

So if you haven't heard it yet, Michael Jackson is dead. Pierre told me some kids cried in his secondary school. For me, it's a little weird to think those kids cried as they didn't grow up with his music like we did ...

Did you know a study about happiness has been conducted since 1936? I like that conclusion: " In the study, those who spent too much alone time ultimately struggled. The happiest subjects in the study were those who sustained meaningful, healthy relationships with friends and family. One can never give enough hugs, say enough "I love you's," and send enough "I miss you's "You can read all about it here.

Sale season has started here (to bring more happiness to the stitchers !!!) so I took advantage to buy some cheap charts and a kit. I bought a chart that represents Madagascar, an island from where my sister in law is from. (yes, my brother and I could have married locals but we chose to marry exotic birds )
I also bought this kit that I always loved. I plan on stitching it without all the lettering. The colors are lovely !!!

A lot of sttichers have been selling their stash lately.

One sold this chart and I fell in love with this little scarecrow guy:
Another one was selling some Madame la fée charts (half price from the original price !!! Usually there are more expensive than that when bought used.) I chose "ballade d'autumn" that you could translate by "fall walks")
and "25 decembre". This design had been released not too long ago. I saw it being stitched on a blog and it looks very nice. Of course, all pictures are clickable!
And my squirrel is getting more and more greens and browns. Yes, I'm surviving all these green ... for now !!!
Tomorrow, my parents, Pierre and Chuy are going to try to sell our used stuffs to that could be called a garage sale/ flea market. Of course, Chuy really misses the american garage sales because it could be so cool to sale stuffs from our garden !!! I'll go there to have lunch with them with the two little ones.

Have a great sunday !!!


Unknown said...

hi chiloe thanks for the nice comment and you are in the drawing for the spare fob! the other 2 panels in the alf sampler are alf pictures lol thats why i left them to last lol !

Marita said...

Love the new stash, it looks fabulous.

(((Chiloe))) lots of hugs for you. Hope this helps both our happiness :) Just reading your blog brings a smile to my face, thank you :)

karen said...

Hello Chiloe

Beaaautifulll blog !!!

where do you buy the french kit,la broderie passion ?


Marita said...

Had to come back and have another peek at the 25 December chart, I just adore it.

Have not purchased new stash in almost 6 months... and that was fabric/floss. No new charts in this house in almost a year... hmmm maybe I deserve a new chart for being so very very good. :grin: Think I will have to borrow hubby's credit card and do some shopping. ;)

Laural said...

Great new stash! I like those Madame la fee charts a lot.

Anonymous said...

Those are lovely Madame La Feé charts. I need to finish her Rouge Comme... this year so I can do one of her Halloween designs.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Mr Squirril is definately getting his background. I'm sure you'll survive the greens!

mainely stitching said...

Happy stashing!!! :D Your squirrel looks great, too.

Max's reaction to Michael Jackson's death was, "I didn't know he was still alive." I felt about a million years old. Sigh...

Annette said...

Lovely stash Chiloe,
And you squirrel looks lovely too.

Wendy said...

those charts look great, I really like the Fall Y'all ! one.
if you ever want to swap it, let me know !

your squirrel looks more lovely everyday, you should check out the ones that visit my mothers garden on her blog, they look so much like yours !

Carolyn NC said...

Nice stash and great stitching!

tkdquintmom said...

Ms. La Fee at 1/2 off?? I'd be pushing people out of the way to get to those..(really I wouldn't be it would be tempting, eh? lol)

I have that L*K and I love that one. So cute.

MJ gone is very sad indeed. I used to have that Thriller LP but no more. What a sad story for him but what a talent he was.

I love the palm tree in that one kit you bought. That alone is screaming 'just do me by myself and finish me as a box!'

gomi.mecas said...

hola chuli, gracias por tu visita a mi blog y a mi album de picasa. El cuadro del niño con el caballo lo hizo mi tia, le quedo precioso. Y el de los conejitos lo esta haciendo mi prima, yo hice otro de esa misma coleccion, pero los graficos los baje de internet, si quieres te los mando
Un beso

TammyK said...

Love your new stash :o)

Cindy F. said...

Awesome new stash! and great progress on cute squirrel!!

Carmen said...

i love the new stash!

and lovely stitching.

Meari said...

NIce stash additions, Chiloe! Your squirrel is looking good. :)

Pumpkin said...

Ohhhh, I'm so jealous! I want some stash in the mail :o( Great finds :o)

Love your little squirrel.

Hope your garage sale went well.