Saturday morning was pretty busy: Pierre had school (next year it's going to be on wednesdays instead !!! Yeah!!! I think we have only one saturday left !!! ) Emma had a violin class because her teacher couldn't give her the class last wednesday. Chuy had his driving class. So I played the taxi driver most of my morning ...
I started the fun colors on my squirrel: well, there are only 3 shades of red but it's a nice break from the the browns and ... green ...

Tonight, we are invited to go to one of Emma's classmate for dinner. We almost never go out for dinner so it's going to be an interesting experience (but no stitching tonight I'm afraid ...)
I hope the dinner is a lot of fun and that your taxi-driving duties didn't wear you out too much!
Your squirrel is sooooo adorable!
I hope your evening was fun! With no driving :P
They are organizing a new UFO RR to start around July/August if you want to join us.
I always find that Lanarte's patterns look so much nicer stitched than shown on their picture. Your squirrel is really lovely.
Hope you have a lovely dinner. The squirrel is looking great, so proud of you for not letting all the green win :)
Hope Mums taxi gets a rest tomorrow.
He's awesome! Love those colors Chiloe-very pretty design.
I can see a lot of progress - it's looking great :o) Hope you had a lovely dinner.
I still can remember the times when we were having school on Saturdays. So there was only one free day in the week, Sunday. I'm so glad that that Saturday is a school free day now, too.
Your squirrel looks fantastic.
your squirrel looks really nice, and ready for winter !
he looks a lot like a squirrel that often visits my mum's garden.
Your squirrel looks great.
Hope you enjoy your dinner out.
lovely squirrel.
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