I want to finish it by september 14 th when Chuy's family will come (for 3 days
Will you come such a long way for only T H R E E days ?
) I want to give angel kisses to my sister in law so she can give directly to my other sister in law in Texas (I have only one brothers but I have 16 brothers and sisters in law
And it's been a while since I counted the numbers of cousins my kids have - we are probably over 24 cousins. I have only 2 cousins
I think it's pretty neat for my kids to have family members in 3 differents countries, in 2 continents.

We have a happy dance here: not the kind the stitchers love but for us, it's a great happy dance !!! Esteban is doing really good in Pottyland

You're doing a great job. Dimensions kits are hard to work with aren't they. Lots of half stitches and different numbers of strands. I think you've done really well so far. Don't give up yet. I want to see the little boy too.
je n'ai pas réussi à te laisser un commentaire ce matin... j'aime beaucoup la guirlande de fleurs ! tu seras ravie du résultat quand l'ouvrage sera fini, il est vraiment très beau !
muy buen progreso!! ya casi terminas el primer angel :)
Felicitaciones a Esteban, parece que muy pronto dejara los pañales :)
Your Angel is looking great, the flowers really add a lot of color. She'll be gorgeous when done. Congrats to Esteban for doing so well, that must be so nice for you.
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