You will be pleased to know we are leaving pottyland slowly! Yeah right, this morning we headed off to the mall in quest for a winter jacket for Emma. So I decided today was THE day to have Esteban free from Pull-ups

I just brought 2 sets of change for him (just in case ) and a towel for his car seat and stroller as well. As you may remember I don't ask him anymore if he wants to go potty. So we did our shopping, got Emma her jacket (very nice, very pink inside) and 3 pants for Pierre for back to school! (Pierre needs clean pants everyday as he comes back everyday with
green knees - he plays soccer everyday at recess. They go to a private school that was a former seminary with a huge lawn: great for soccer, bad for laundry

) At the end, I asked Esteban: "do you want potty? " "NO!" Okay, back to the car : "do you want potty?" (Who says I'm afraid for my car?

)"NO!" replied the big bladder boy. Well, as a good cook and mother that I am, I decided to pick up lunch in a fast food restaurant

So I prepare ... the table (

) and ask him if he wants to go : nope, "good" food first! Then I sat him on the potty because it is not human to stay that long without going potty

I'm really happy it is going so good after those weeks when I thought we were going nowhere !!! and I love saving on this expensive diapers: more money for our next year trip.
I had to laugh at Pierre's green knees. My son does the same thing! I'm so happy for Esteban! And yes the savings on diapers is awesome:)
LOl Pierre sounds like a happy little boy playing soccer everyday. I'm glad the potty training is going so well. I'm even thrilled to have my 2 year old off pull ups and she is doing wonderful especially on outings.
yay!! felicitaciones a Esteban!!
Esta quedando maravilloso, sigo viendo el paso a paso de tu trabajo... cuanta paciencia y que vista ...por Dios!
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