The Richard Scarry is for Steb and the Pokemon is for my Pokemon fan: Pierre ! He loves to draw! Most of what I got was on sale. (except Chuy's CD's actually!) I also got the harry Potter III DVD. I placed my order when it was the sale in france. We have 3 Harry Potter DVD's and were missing the 3rd one!
I gave some money to our brasilian friend, Flavia, because she was going to vacation in Spain. I doubt she will bring me any books because a friend of a friend was supposed to buy them for us but Flavia changed her plans and won't go to Barcelona (she's going to another spanish town) We'll see what happen ... I wanted some spanish book for emma to pratice her reading skills in spanish! I'm afraid Flavia will buy books (any books) just to say she did what we ask for. I don't want any Disney books as we have already some in english and french ... (well, actually, we even have snow white and Aladin in spanish )
Stitching? What stitching? I didn't stitch yesterday ... Is it a sign I'm getting tired of those cute little angels? Maybe ....
Does Pierre collect the Pokemon cards, too? My 2 youngest are huge P-fans.
uy no no te aburras! acuerdate que son para tu cuñada :)
Que lastima que no pudiste encontrar los libros en español, ojala consiga algunos que te gusten
Hola espero que puedas encontrar los libros que quieres, me gustaría ayudarte. Si quieres me contactas y te doy mi email, y ahi conversamos mas, Les preguntaré a mis papas si me pueden ayudar.
Sorry about that! I should place my e-mail address more prominently on my blog. it's cruz.mama@gmail.com
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