I can hear you from far: it is fuuuuuuuuul of green !!! I know ... but it comes with buttons and it's hard to avoid green on christmas time
, right?
At the LNS, I picked up the 2008 DMC catalog :

I also got nice stash in the mail:

It's a Lanarte kit by Maria Von Sharrenburg: grand mother's time. The colors are a little dull and I'm planning on changing some colors to make the whole closet look more joyful I also got another Lanarte. You know I love Lanarte but their prices are really high so I try to buy used charts from kits. About a week ago, I managed to buy an used chart on ebay of one of my favorite design !!!

When we came back from our shopping trip, we found Pierre laying down on my mom's couch: he was running a small fever, had chills and a migraine ... This morning he threw up 5 times (he counted them) and he's now feeling a little better !!! (he's wathching Sherk the third
Thank you all for your good advices on my wall paper's problem I did try Mr Clean
magic eraser but his magic didn't work on my wall paper.
I didn't find Debi's eraser at the book store (they also sell school supplies) I'll see if I have more luck at a craft store that sell stuffs for painters . I'm afraid my little cutie ruined the whole thing ...
Those who wants a signature like mine at the bottom of their messages can find the link here !
Jeez, I almost forgot to show my progress You remembered I abandoned a little bit the x-mas tree
Then I got a comment from Tammy who got her whip out to make me pick up that tree again
( Thanks Tammy you really made me laugh
) So I had no choice (right? What if she decide to cross the ocean to use her whip?
). I did made some progress on the little boy's basket (yes, still no one over one
And because it's your lucky day, I can even show a picture of my snow family stitched on thrusday:

Well, maybe you don't feel so lucky if you managed to read all this post Am I writing longer and longer post lately?
Perhaps, tomorrow, I'll show you some one over one ... if you're lucky
Hope it was a good busy Saturday, not a bad one.
Love the signature, is that new?
And 1 month 5 days until Esteban turns 3! Our babies really are growing up.
I hope your son is feeling better. My son also had this sickness last week.
Both your WIP look awesome. I think you have inspired me to stitch my next project on linen. So plz get some one over one stitching done today. I'd really like to see what the boy looks like. Maybe I'll get Tammy to get her whip back out?lol
Also, if anyone you know is want the snow family chart to stitch I have it for trade.
For a mommy with small children at home you sure get a lot done! You inspire and amaze.
4C is t-shirt weatehr for some of us! That isn't cold at all! Right now its -15c!
l'ancien Lanarte est plus joli sur ton blog que sur l'annonce :-)) tu as bien fait de l'acheter !
comment va Pierre aujourd'hui ?
One over one stitching drives me crazy, but I got to do it sometimes because I just love the results.
Here is a most delicious 'springtime' recipe you can use. I have had this cake and it is delicious!
I love lanarte's too. But boy, do they break the bank! =D I am glad some of the ones that i really like are printed by Leisure Arts, so they came in as charts only and so much more affordable!
I love your progress on Oh Christmas tree. Have you seen someone's finish where they placed the celtic christmas lady together with the kids?
i hope Pierre is better,mi daughter have fever too..is the weather...
i love you snow family, i like the colors :D
Your stitching progress is incredible! How do you get so much done??? And you've been VERY busy with stashing, too! LOL!!!
LOL... I'm with Dani (tkdchick)... I'd thing we were having a winter thaw if we warmed up to plus 4. Yesterday, it was -18 Celsius here with a windchill nearing -29. Nice and brisk ;)
I love those snowmen!!
that should be "think" not thing lol.
That sure is a long post but I don't mind for I love reading what you wrote and looking at your pics :)
Hi Chiloe,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for posting nice comment. I just came from a trip, now trying to keep up and read comments and blogs.
Your wip are coming along nicely. And great shopping spree, I like the Lilipoints.
Thanks again. Have a great day.
Your WIP are coming along beautifully Chiloe.
Hope Pierre is feeling better.
LOL Hope Pierre is feeling lots better now! *hugs* Love your stash haul :D Snow Family is looking great! Love the colours :) In answer to your question about Isabellas Garden.... she is part of my stitching for the competition on the L&L BB LOL
Thanks for visiting my blog. Your stitching is lovely. Congrats on making it to the finalists in the Silkweaver contest. I love both of the Lanarte charts you picked up. I'll be back ;)
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