Vacations with 3 kids mean you have to find ideas to get them busy: TV is a great help in a small appartment
(of course, I should not tell that and pretend we do thousand of crafts together building amazing stuffs
but not !!!
) Anyway, I did some cleaning and they got busy! Lunch time arrived and nothing in the fridge. Well, I could have tortured Pierre with mashed potatoes and ham but was afraid his screams will bother the neighbors
so we headed to Mac donald's
(what a bad mother I am
) After that, we met with a friend and her 3 kids for an afternoon at the park ! It was a little cold but the kids didn't seem to care
I was soooooo cold because I underestimated the weather (wearing a spring jacket ... silly me

Last night, I stitched with my friend Mr Frog who decided to stay all night (I guess he really liked my warm appartment !!!

McDonalds and TV? Naughty!! ;)
McDonalds and TV, sounds like a perfect combination :grin:
My girls refuse to eat the apples I peel and cut up for them. Go to McDonalds and pay $1.50 for a bag of peeled and cut up apple and they will eat it with no complaints. I'm going to start saving the McDonalds apple bags and reusing them with home made apple. Crazy I know.
Great progress on your fence, even with Mr Frog helping out.
Mmmmm McDonalds...
Your snow family is comign right along!
Every so often, moms need the break that McDonald's and TV can provide. :-) When I was pregnant with my youngest, the oldest got a lifetime's worth of McDonald's (and Wendy's...and Arby's...and Burger King...) and TV/movies, as I was too sick to cook or be upright much. She's surviving well, though...must not have done too much harm! LOL!
McDo, TV-dinner, mmmm sinful, lol!
Your snow family is coming along nicely..
my daughter (and Dh of course) are happy with mac donalds, burguer king,but the happines is Pizza! she love the pizzas, her perfect worls is a place where the people eat only pizzas, all kind of pizzas..
well pizza have some vegetable , isn't? :D
I love the way your snow family is stitching up! Thank you for mentioning the colour of your fabric in your previous post. It's beautiful.
You made some good progress even with Mr. Frog's help.
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