This norning was the trimester meeting with the school teachers. Emma is still doing great at school but she tend to not make a lot of efforts because she learns so easily and so fast. Pierre is still another story ... I am so worry for his future ... You know I worry a lot for his health but I also worry for school because he has his learning difficulties ... He's so first degree that he doesn't seem to get the second degree of a speech. How can function well as an adult if you don't get the second degree of the language? ... I was very depressed when I left school. For me, it's very hard to accept he's not a regular kid. I also feel helpless because I don't how to really help him, and if I could help him. See Pierre doesn't have any self esteem and he feels dumb. He never asks for help from the teacher and I guess he wish to be invisible ... He's not the kind of kids who is willing to make effort to succeed better at school (he doesn't care ... ) I'm trying to figure out what I could do to help him ................. Not an easy thing to do ...
Your snowmen are looking great. Good idea to stitch some of the white so you don't have to change colours so often.
Congrats to Andie for picking the winner.
So very hard when our children don't do as well as we'd hoped. Is there something Pierre really loves that the teachers could use as a motivational learning aide?
je ne sais pas ce que tu pourrais faire pour Pierre.. l'instit t'a t elle dit comment tu pourrais intervenir ?
très belle avancée sur le bonhomme de neige, bon courage pour le blanc !
Your first snowman is really coming along!
It's funny how stitching with the same color for a long time can be tedious - but on the other hand, changing colors constantly can be equally tedious! :) lol
Terrific that Emma is doing so well in school. I'm so sorry that poor Pierre is not. I agree with Marita - perhaps there's a hobby or talent he has that could be developed to help build esteem and help motivate him?
Your snowmen are so cute, Chiloe. And I'm glad to hear Emma's doing well in school. Sorry about Pierre - we have also had setbacks with Max, including repeating a school year. We've been very lucky in that he's had a truly wonderful teacher who will not let him be "invisible" and this year, for the first time, he's really doing well. I hope Pierre will also become motivated and enthusiastic.
I love the snowman!
I'm sorry about your frustrations with Pierre. (((hugs))) I have similiar issues with Mac and his teachers.
Wow that's a lot of colour for one wee scarf! Your snowman looks great!
Your snowman looks fantastic!
So please that Emma is doing so well but sorry Pierre isn't. I have to agree with Marita.
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