It's 6 o'clock and you're out
asleep on this poor Spot.
I'm still stitching the little boy's pant (short?)

Marita: I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to do this SAL ... I guess the small picture on the chart didn't make the tree so "big" (read green ... ) ...
Let's say I'll be happy after hours of painful green stitches that I have completed my first Lavender and Lace
Pierre has his appointment with the nutritionist on friday (at noon ) so like his teacher won't be there on friday, I'm thinking about keeping him at home in the morning with me (and do some mathematics) and drop him off at school after the appointment !!! Of course, after an appointment with a nutrionist, a good meal at Mac Donald's seems necessary, right?
That's the advantage when you are a child in remission (if there is one
) , your parents are kind of weak and indulge in these kind of foods ...
I need to bring my list of what he eats ( shorter than the list of what he doesn't eat ...) We'll see what she says ... Can you really grow on pastas, french fries and cheese with absolutely no fruits and vegetables?
You are making great progress!
I'm sitting here thinking what to serve the girls for lunch, it should be veggies or fruit but McDonalds is so much easier :grin: Funny to read your post when I was thinking something very similar.
What a little precious!
Your stitching is stunning. You're making awesome progress.
Good luck with Pierre's nutritionist appointment tomorrow.
Cute picture of your little darling!
What a sweet photo!!
Just keep plugging away at it! One stitch at a time it'll get done!
My cousin is living proof that you can eat nothing but junk as a child and end up being 6 foot tall and very athletic and healthy. I'm not kidding...he ate a lot of fast food, sweets, junk...not many (any??) fruits and veggies. Didn't seem to affect him! :-)
Awww what a cute photo!
Your Christmas Tree piece is looking fantastic Chiloe! You are making great progress.
What a wonderful prize from Michelle in your previous post:)
That's such an utterly adorable picture of your wee man! :D
Good luck with the nutritionist tomorrow!
to this question: "Can you really grow on pastas, french fries and cheese with absolutely no fruits and vegetables?" , my husband and daughter tell you a big "Yes!! indeed!".is a continuos war to me mix some vegetables and fruit in the diet:(
your kid is so cute! :D.
i am still think that this tree have to much green ;)
For his first 18 years my son only ate one serving of vegetables a day - at dinner because we told him he could not be excused until he finished whatever green stuff was on his plate. He would take each bite like a pill washed down with milk. Finally, at 18 years and 6'5" he announced he was big and strong enough and was not going to eat any more vegetables. Years later (he's 26 now) his doctor has scared him into the occasional salad but, as far as I know, he still will not touch green beans or broccoli (don't blame him there).
is me again!!:
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Awww what a cutie! Yes I have to say my dd has done very well on pasta and fries and tins of mushroom soup with very few veggies in there!! xx
You sure have a handsome little guy there.
Your WIP looks fantastic.
Just think how beautiful it will look after its done, take one stitch at a time, lol.
Very much off topic, but I have rounded up some Stoney Creek pattern books for you, if you want them.
E-mail me at twood at cogeco dot ca with your address and I'll ship them out to you.
Chiloe - email me directly at taneya dot gmail dot com please :-)
What an adorable pic of your little one. Love it!
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