You thought you had a great week end and you are sure you will be able to enjoy my beautiful little boy's face stitched on one over one ! Wrong! I avoided it ... again
I'm not going to lie and pretend I even thought about doing it
But, look: I made great progress:

So I'm sure you are very proud of me and forgiving me

Pierre stayed with me today, not that he was really sick but I knew he was tired. Tomorrow he's going back for the last day before the winter vacations: 10 days school free (he won't complain )
Did I tell you we are thinking about putting Emma in a new school? In a near town, they opened at the begining of the new school year an international section: it's for people like us (bilingual families - we are a trilingual family) . I found it on the internet while I was browsing to find a school for Pierre. I'll meet the director after the vacations. I am not sure she will get in as she needs to take a small english test. The problem? well, when we speak english to her ... she answers ... in spanish That could be interesting ...
Wow, you really got a lot done on the poor faceless boy. (heehee) Need I point out to you that you are almost to the point where you are going to have to choose between (gulp) over-one or (gulp gulp) GREEN?
Please keep us posted about the international school. That sounds so interesting! We have one school in my district that does "dual immersion" instruction (English and Spanish) and I saw a report written by an English speaker second grader - better than most of my eighth-graders could do, and all en Espanol. It's so good for kids. The brain is so interesting; once the "door" is opened for that second language, it seems to stay open for all kinds of learning. Learning multiple languages just seems to make kids smarter.
et si tu faisais comme moi avec le marquoir des arbres de vie qui est en 1/1.. 30 mn par jour ?? tu le sentirais moins passer... en tout cas, tu as bien avancé !
you are done a lot of white! is good :D..
good luck with the new school :D
Your faceless boy is still darling. You have made some awesome progress even though the boy himself can't see it or feel it! ;)
Good luck with the new school. Cute that she answers you in spanish when spoken to in english. I so wish I knew a 2nd language, but sadly I'm a one language girl and some days don't that one well.
Tu niño esta quedando precioso! Pero yo que tu bordaria aunque sea la mano para que luego no se te haga tan pesado el 1 sobre 1
The boy is darling. I can't wait to see his face and see him complete. It is such a cute piece.
My younger two kids also answer me in Dutch when I speak to them in English. I think it's pretty usual for bi (or tri) lingual kids to prefer the language of the area they're in. I'll be curious to hear more about your experiences with the school.
Oh, and your stitching is great!
He's looking adorable! C'mon I worked over one on 28ct all day long today you can do a wee face!
Sorry, I haven't commented for a long time but we had some computer problems (still do). You have made huge progress on this project and it looks GREAT.
You have done an amazing amount of work. Well done Chiloe.
I'm stitching white on my lamb at the moment and I hate it. Perhaps that is why i've not done any stitching now for 2 days.
Good luck with the school stuff, hope it works out well for you.
Wow the little boy looks wonderful! Come on we want to see his face! Lol!
I hope Emma gets into the international school. Good luck:)
Yes, he is faceless for now -- when the mood strikes, you'll manage the over-one.
Enjoy the day
I'm a big believer in everyone speaking two languages!
One of my students that speaks Spanish exclusively at home asked me recently, "What's Spanish?" I thought it was interesting that he wasn't aware of the name of his native language. (He's six.)
Many time I don't remember if I had a conversation with a parent in English, or Spanish. Fun stuff!
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