I'm being a good girl: stitching the little boy face and making mistakes Have you ever tried to frog mistakes on 1/1 ? It's a challenge ... Maybe it's my 32 count lugana? Maybe it's me who doesn't know how to stitch well... I'll take any advice , ANY !
When I frog, the fabric looks like some part of my thread stayed in the fabric fibers ... When I stitch, my stitches are uneven and seem to make some bumps on let's say, two rows . And I really think it looks worse on the rows that had been frogged ... WHo can help me? Dani?
Here is the pic: I don't tkink you could see the details but I'm very unhappy with the way it looks ... It's really bad above his bow. (I think the boy wants to hang himself after seeing himself in the mirror

Debi: I think the worse is the one over one Kendra survived so there's hope
Barbara, I think Chuy is not happy here, except for the food , but I don't feel like going back to Texas right now. Maybe Florida will be more attractive
When I have to frog something, which has been quite frequently as of late, I always roll a piece of scotch tape over the frogged section. It picks up all the little pieces of frayed floss bits.
Your little boy looks awesome even if his brow looks funny to you.
love your little boy. I also think 1 over 1 is a pain. Too hard on the eyes.
Sorry the frog wants to marry you. Maybe scaring him away would work ;)
Mr Frog may just want to be good friends for now. ;)
The first time I stitched my mermaids of the deep blue by Mira with over 1 skin, I used 32 count opal lugana, you can't just get away with frogging especially with over 1, and sarcastically speaking the opalescent fibers did help alot, in ruining my fabric!!! I was so pissed off about it because I had stitched so much and I actually did cut a piece of the fabric, and i started to cry LOL. Hubby helped me by purchasing a piece of 28 count opal, and yes I had to start over, but on 28 count it worked out so much better and there is so much difference when you have to frog (atleast you can see the threads!!!) I don't think I will ever do over 1 on anything but 28 count, well, maybe if it was just a small piece 32 is excusable but if it's a huge piece, I don't think I'll ever risk it.
Your little kiddy is looking good though. I hope it won't be so noticeable once done.
That darn frog came over to my place last night and made himself very at home.
Sorry the 1 over 1 is giving you so much trouble. I have as yet to be brave enough to try it.
Oh, I hate frogging 1/1! I hope that frog moves out soon.:)
Have a great weekend:)
The boy is looking really good. Sorry you are having problems with him. I hate 1 over 1 stitching too.
Hang in there, sweetie. I think he's looking just fine from California. And just think, when you've stitched in all that huge, enormous, gigantic, GREEN tree his face will be even less noticeable.
Don't mention it; always glad to help out.
He's very cute!
*hugs* He looks great to me! I am to chicken to try over one :~ LOL
Like Tammy said a little piece of scotch tape works nicely to get up those fuzzy bits. Sometimes I use alint roller (very gently). When I frog I usually try to un pick the stitches... left stuff left behind then snipping them and trying to pull them out.
As for how to get nice smooth over one stitches. Hmmm I don't have a great tip, I think when stitching over one you have to be very mindful of your tension. Do you stitch in hand or a hoop/q snap? If you stitch in hadn you may want to try a hoop/q snap to hold your fabric snug and stretched out tight.
Those are what comes to mind!
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