I had the choice for today's title: it's monday, get me out of here ! or Help: I'm raising 3 wildcats . As you know my car is at the shop for the inspection. It tuned out that the car has 2 problems: a leak in my exhaust system and one in my rear break (scary ...) So the car has to stay 2 days at the shop and the bills is going to be ..... high ...
It should be around 400 €uros (don't even want to convert in dollars ... ) The good thing about it (if there is one) is that we can pay in 6 times .
So we're stuck at home ...
which mean the kids are dealing with that the best way they can. My TV babysitter still works fine but I'm a bad parent who limit the TV time so after a while, they just got crazy and played catch like wildcats in a cage. It didn't last a long time but enough to wonder when it will stop
And you know what is good: they are all in bed now

So we're stuck at home ...

My headless boy is still creepy as I don't feel like stitching on one over one right now. But I made good progress on my snow family:

WOW! Great progress on the new family member.
Sorry to hear your kiddos are wild today!
Excellent progress
Nice progress, your snow family is looking really cute. Sorry about the car, but that is nice they are letting you pay it in parts. Good luck with the kids, sounds like it may be a wild week.
zut pour la voiture et la note salée qui va l'accompagner.. euh, tu m'expliqueras en français les pbs, car je n'ai pas tout compris...
j'ai connu ça les enfants ch... à la maison.. même encore maintenant cela arrive....
tu as bien avancé ton ouvrage... tu devrais faire quelques brins de fil blanc par ci par là, tu risques à saturer à la fin...
bon courage pour ta journée...
in home i have the ps2 and nintendo DS babysitter :D
tha snow family look every day better!...
poor invisble kid... :D
"Wildcats in a cage" is the best description I've read of that frantic/wild play that the kids indulge in. I just try not to look ...
Hey gurl,
I've chosen to tag you on my blog hehe.
Hope you will post when you have time. Thankies!
Car repairs... yuck! I feel for you. As for men vs. snowblower... What men? I haven't given it a thought in what.. a week? LOL
How do you get those little icons in your blog posts? Could you email me at mearitaira@yahoo.com?
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