I am really tired of working on that wing. I didn't color properly each I was stitching do I am a little lost in what need to be done
Last night I stopped stitching because I felt so bored doing that project ... It makes me loose interest in stitching. I just hope it's just a temporary state of mind ...
I think I need to color on the chart everywhere I stitched on the wing and then have several needles ready with the colors I will need because I am wasting a lot of time changing my needle each time for one or two stitches ... Today, I took a picture with my digital camera.

There is a good side on having the family here: I got some of my stash back !!! Yeah !!!!!!!!!

They also brought some goodies : mainly for Chuy as I don't eat anything with chile's spices in it

I got my Fabric of the Month fabric from Silkweaver yesterday. I got Periwinkle Mist and Sapphire Sky.

Oh Chiloe...I'm sorry you are bored stitching the Dimensions picture...but I can tell you that we always appreciate your progress on this work...
I have a great stash of crosstitch leaflet and kita in my parents' house in Rome too...and I changed my tastes a little bit too...so I understand what you say...
You know I understand how you feel, I am at the moment stitching once upon a time--flowers section and it's driving me nuts!! I even use over 50 needles because i use the loran needle threader so I don't have to keep re-threading...but still, it gets to my nerves LOL.
Hurray on your leaflets!! I think I may also have some cross stitch stuff in the Philippines that i left behind, i mostly just brought the floss that i had collected and some of the finishes that i had done there that weren't framed.
Very pretty fabrics =)
Sorry for your frustration with the many changes. That kind of pattern drives me crazy, but your progress is great. :)
I know your feeling of frustration with the colour change. I had the same feeling when I was doing "The Postman". I think it is something associated with kits from Dimensions. :-) But I know you can finish and I am also pretty sure you will finish. Here is a pat on the back all the way from Iceland.
I love the fabric you received and it must be great to have all the old stash back. Hope you have a great weekend.
Colorear el grafico a medida que avanzas es una buena idea...asi no pierdes tu ubicacion....los angeles se estan viendo hermosos!
Wow!!! I go away for 10 days and come back to find you have made amazing progress. Well done Chiloe.
Must be very cool to have all that stash back. Now to find somewhere to store it all :grin.
great picture, I knew you could do it ! And the project is amazing ! Hang in there, it's the last bit before the end !
PS: we have Dr Pepper in England, that might be closer to get it from France ! ;)
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