Now things are getting serious: Chuy's family will be here in 3 days. I'm late in my re-organisation of the apartment ... So chuy said it's time to go to stage 2: putting things in boxes and hidden in the our basement room
He's a specialist of piles ... I don't want more piles: when he does that I loose a lot of things ... Men, men, men
Anyway with esteban in my arms all the time, it's hard to do anything ...

Last night I called Lourdes, my sister in law, my stash partner in the US
and the future owner of two cute angels . I tried to see if she knew anything about what Chuy's other brothers are going to send us. I know: you are not supposed to find out what the surprises can be but it's hard to resist
Chuy has 4 brothers in Fort Worth. Well, she knew nothing beside one brother sending pictures of his kids. We'll have to wait ...

I am still stitching the wing and I scanned the picture because I don't think we can see a lot of things with a digital pictures. I don't stitch the purple cross stitch and half cross stitch at the same time anymore. It was driving me crazy ...
I think I goes faster that way too. I hope to have time to stitch more this afternoon as we have the usual spetember meeting at school this evening. Pierre's meeting is tonight and emma's meeting is thrusday night. He always last until 9.00 pm. Chuy is working afternoon shift this week so my mom will feed and take care of the kids until I come back.

Good luck with the organizing! I hope Estaban is feeling better.
Angels looks so cute! Oh, I hate it too when you have to work cross-stitches and halfstitches with same color. I try to avoid stitching those at the same time.
You're making awesome progress. It seems as though you stitch rather fast! Keep up the great work.
The angels are looking so pretty.
I hope Esteban is feeling much better soon.
courage, c'est vraiment superbe, ça vaut le coup!!!
Those angels are absolutely gorgeous!
I wish you good luck during the family visit! I am sure it will be a blast esp. to the kiddos!!
Wow big progress this time. Well done it will soon be finished.
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