Today, Chuy and my parents are trying to sell some of our kids clothes. In France, people gather in the streets of one town. We don't have garaga sales like in the US. (I used to go to garage sales often in Texas) We'll meet them to eat a picnic. We did that in june and the kids loved it. Then, I'll go to my parents' house where Esteban will take his nap: i'll stitch during that time of course
The only problem at their house is the lack of good light. I don't understand how people can live in a dark house. sometimes they don't even turn on the lights and it doesn't seem to bother them ...

I still need to write the posts about our family visit ... So stay tuned

Wow this is really coming along! I admire you for stitching this:)
Your angels are looking fabulous!
I live in a dark house too and I hate it. I have to have my daylight lamp on even during the day if I'm stitching. I'd love to live in a night bright house, but well, it's not likely to happen for a long time :o)
Hola! gracias por tu visita a mi blog. Quieres que nos pongamos en contacto directo para hablar de como se hacen las tortillas? mi MSN es: coyntha@hotmail.com o bien me puedes escribir a coyntha@gmail.com para platicar mas!jeje te espero. Un beso.
Your angels are looking wonderful, you're making so much progress on these. Love the little dove you recently finished for it too.
Sorry your scanner isn't working correctly. I'm no good with electronic stuff, so things like that drive me nuts as I have a horrible time trying to figure out what to do. Hope your idea to reinstall it fixes it for you.
Que lindo te esta quedando tu proyecto :)
Espero puedas arreglar tu problema con el scanner...yo tampoco se mucho de electronica.
Buena suerte con la venta!
Great job with the wing!
We love a light house, too.
Great progress Chiloe.
I love summer because we get so much bright natural light in the house. Find it much harder to stitch in winter when I only have the electric lights.
Great progress on the Angels!
Great progress, I can't believe how beautiful the boy's wings are. it almost looks realistic!
I understand your light issue. In the Philippines where i came from, everybody uses flourescent light, All over the house, even in the bathroom!!! LOL When i came to the U.S. I made a comment to my husband (we were living at my MIL's house then) about how they like to live in the dark and it's freaking hard to see things or where you're going! He told me that here in the U.S. they don't live for the light but for the ambiance LOL...I can't believe how they are willing to pay more than triple electricity bill just to live in the dark when flourescent lights are so much cheaper and brighter. I use one in our home right now and I just love how it's always so bright at night! *^_^*
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