Remember about those two Lanarte kits I was drooling over? Well, I ordered them from Sew and so on september 18th and they shipped it the same day. And the great news is: I got it TODAY !!!
It is so hard to be so closed to finished my angels and having too much nice kits in my home. Lanarte kits are so easy and pleasant to stitch: it makes it harder to resist ... But I'm strong
Well, I try ... you know how it goes when the itch to start something new appears ...
I also ordered an antique white 32 count lugana from them because they are much cheaper than the french stores. You see, I have this lanarte kit with linen fabric in it.

I don't like linen and I don't want to stitch it in 1 thread over 1. That will be an UFO for sure... So I decided to switch the fabric for an antique white lugana in order to stitch it on 2 over 2. I now have to find which DMC they used because I am going to use my own threads to have enough to finish the pattern. it's not written on the chart anymore.
I didn't stitch last night: I was too tired after going to bed very late for 2 nights in a row. Today, I'm going to stitch the dove above the little boy. Then, I'll do all the finishing (including the boy's wing that is driving crasy ...) And I'll be free from the Dimensions kit ...
So you may wonder what is going to be my next project

I want to stitch it for the daughter of our brasilian friend whose due date is in october. I know: it's pretty soon but the pattern is so small in comparison of what I usually stitch
It's going to be a piece of cake
I'm already checking my fabrics to see which one will be the best but I may end up with a plain white. I think my 9x13 silkweaver solos are too small for this project.

Fall let's us now it has really started: it's raining a lot. That doesn't make me want to go out but I saw a sofa cover for only 35 €uros in one ad so I need to go and check that out. I don't know if I mentioned it before but my sofa has a hole on one side and I'm tired of seeing it everyday. (I'm also afraid it's going to get larger and larger with time ... )

The baby project is going to be cute! I hope the rain stops for a little bit so you can find your sofa cover:)
El diseño del ratoncito es muy tierno...a tu amiga le encantará!!
Entonces la proxima vez que publiques veremos ya una foto de los angeles terminados??
encore un superbe bouquet !!!!!!!!! tu as raison de changer la toile... puis après tu peux revendre ton reste de kit avec la toile et tu le revends plus cher ! d'ailleurs, les cabanes à oiseaux... ?bisous!
The angels are so sweet and you must be excited to be nearly finished them so you can start something new. I finished my Lumpy and Friends and I am now working on a dimensions kit for the first time ever and I have to say its not the easiest thing I have stitched (I think its called "Santa's Roadster"). Enjoy your new stash. Terri
What a fun day it was then! I love getting stashy mails myself!!! I also love some Lanarte designs and have quite a few in my stash, I am a little bothered by the colored charts though hehe (cross-eye alert!)
Your next wip is going to be so cute & adorable.
That next project is so cute!
Good luck with the sofa cover shopping. Hope you don't get too wet.
I really like the next couple projects you have planned.
Hola hace meses que vi tu blog,pero por errores en mi pc perdi todos los links asi que aqui estoy posteando por primera vez.
El ratoncito esta hermoso y los angeles han avanzado muchisimo.
What a lovely Lanarte pattern. It will be fun to watch you progress on it. Take care, Sue're right...the Dimensions are difficult...but they are very beautiful!!! So...think you're finishing a masterpiece!!! I like Lanarte very much and I stitched 2 garlands by Lanarte for my mother...and when I'll go to Rome I'll photograph them...I have the kit with roses in the basket too...but I don't know when I could stitch it...;O)
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