Tuesday Pierre and Emma had an appoitment to the dentist. No tooth decay
He even checked Steb's teeth who was more than happy to play the big boy. The dentist only charged me one examination which only cost 21 €.
Isn't it great
(and of course, I'll get back most of this money !!! )

I should have made a list of all the things I have to say

Thanks for your comments for the scary ordeal that happened to us: we recovered. I read it happened to a couple of you. I know I should have gone to the police station and I could: I had the choice to turn right and go to my street or turn left to go down the road to the police station. The problem is: I didn't think clearly and never imagined the guy will keep following us. I would have still be in fort Worth, I may have been totally scared that the guy could shoot us. Remember when a mother killed another one in a road rage (in front of her kids ...) Scary. Here people are not as violent but I find them more agressive than before ...
Circus has arrived at Pierre and Emma's school. It's a yellow tent (I prefer the red ones that feel more like circus) This is the second week of activities. I'm so lucky that they both have the show the same week as some parents have to go to see two shows. The school was divided in 2 groups. I really thought I will have two clowns (remember, I'm raising little chickens scared of a lot of things ... ) Well, I'm happy to report I have a magician ( Pierre ) and a little equilibrist who is going to do her show on a giant ball !!!

Kids are excited but parents are a little concerned of weeks passing by and not a lot of academic works being done ... It's also a real bother for me as Emma has only learned 4 multiplication tables in the whole school year

Health :
Remember our tadpoles? ( don't worry: they are in good health

Mother's day:
We went to the restaurant to celebrate mother's day and Pierre's school !!! What was not planned was the trip to my grand'ma. My 87 years old grand'ma has probably the best memory in the whole world !!! She seems to remember everything and doesn't understand why we don't ... I got the usual gift: poems from the kids a school. Chuy got me a strange gift (another one ...

The orange/yellow flowers are from Chuy, the middle one are from my mom and were offered by the kids and the right one come from my grand'ma garden ( they are peonies and they remind me the painting of Marjolein bastin)
Stitch pink:
I received the threads that I won at stitch pink:

They are holding a new contest so enter your name and you may win a M designs. I was one of the 5 winners among 146 stitchers !!! So give it a try
I still stitch my Lanarte even though I feel my progress are now very slow ... This is not a Marjolein Bastin design. The designer is not mationed.
It took me 3 days to write this post ... Unbelievable ....
Wow full of news today. I love the lanarte - I call it the blue door but what is its real name please?
I hope your back heals quickly! I have to laugh at your remark on raising chickens cause I have 2 of them myself....and they are 13 and 14! LOL ((HUGS))
Your stitching is looking great, and I hope that your back improves.
Great stitching and some pretty flowers too!
When you mentioned multiplication tables it reminded me of something..
I take two boys kickboxing on Tuesday nights, they are age 7.
When they start to fight in the back of the car I always tell them...
If you don't behave I'm going to make you recite your times tables, and I mean the 6s, 7s and 8s, not the easy ones.
Works every time.
The circus looks like a blast.
Gorgeous flowers. I love the orange and yellow ones.
Your stitching is stunning.
wow, lots of news today. The circus looks like it's going to be fun. I went to one not long ago and had a great time
The flowers are beatiful. Can you show us a picture of the medal that chuy got for you?
And I think your stitching is coming along raither quickly. It is stunning.
Tes fils roses sont très beaux.
Ton travail est très beau et avance bien.
Those threads are gorgeous! :D
But I'm afraid I'm not moving to France - the language is impossible for me!!
beutiful gifts of mother days, and your lanarte look every day more beautiful.
o dont move to France,because,i live in Spain! (madrid) we are neighbours :)
I can believe it took you 3 days to do this post. Sometimes it takes me a day for just a paragraph. The tadpole story is too funny, sounds like something I would do. My hubby says if there is an accident to be had I will have it. Love all the new pink thread you rec'd - aren't contests fun when you actually win? What will you stitch with the thread you rec'd?
Reasons to consider moving to France:
1. Chiloe lives there.
2. If Chiloe lives there it must be good.
3. I've heard the food is fabulous.
4. I could meet Chiloe and her family.
Great news about the dentist - healthy teeth and not a huge bill.
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