Show was last night and it was great !!! It lasted until 11.15 pm as all the kid had to do their acts. Chuy was supposed to film and I was supposed to take the pictures but he's a little Camcorder impaired as he tried to film with the camcorder set on the VCR button ...
So I quickly took over the camcorder to film Pierre while a friend was taking good pictures of my kids with their great Canon camera with a zoom. I'm going to share only my pictures as I don't have the other ones yet. (sorry for the poor quality of the pictures: low light ... )

First, glitter hair for the equilibrist (enlarge to see the sparklies) :
My magician on the right holding the plate:

Well, when you will see the amazing pics my friend took, you will be amazed as fire and bird were included in the act

My little equilibrist on the ball:
Emma and her best friend Mathilde:

It was sad for the kids to say good bye for the circus, especially for Pierre who was crying in the car ... He is so over sensitive (maybe he has issues with the seperation ... That's something to tell the child psychologist will see in june: that's the doctor who works with the cancer kids at the hospital, so Pierre already knows him.) Back to regular classes on monday !!!

super les photos ! les enfants ont dû se régaler, ils apprennent vite.
Great photos Chiloe! That is so neat that the children had their own circus performance :o) You sound very proud of them.
How cool! Thanks for sharing the pictures!
Great pictures! What a fun thing for the school to have.
Fabulous pictures.
What a wonderful experience for the children being able to perform in a circus. They look so happy and I'm impressed with Emmas balancing skills.
Superbe souvenir ces photos, les enfants ont de quoi être ravis.
Mon Lanarte, il avance, il avance...
I finally managed to catch up on your posts. I've been a slacker, lol.
The motor bike must have been terrifying for you all! I'm so sorry!
That circus is just the coolest!! My kids would be in heaven having that at their school.
The loud neighbours? Not sure what to tell you there. Hope it gets better though.
Emma était très jolie en équilibriste.
I enjoyed looking through your pictures. What cute kids!
Your daughter looked soo cute! How amazing that the school would put on such a wonderful show. The kids looked like they had great fun.
très jolie ta petite (heuu grande) Emma.
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