We wrote a brand new book yesterday ( for those who knows the book ) . We started by a classic barbecue full of good food and great weather !!!

I took advantage to take a lot of pictures :

Here is Chuy trying to catch some tadpoles:

If you put your face into the water, do the tadpoles go to the landing net by themselves?

Pierre even catched a fish with the net!

I decided to weight myself on mondays and today, I lost 800 grammes (1.76 pounds)
That's the proof, exercising does really work
because I was watching what I eat but not extremly carefuly ... It's a small lost but a great start for me

I still working on my yellow curtain. It's getting boring even though I like the yellows. I try to choose one color and stitch 2 or 3 threads of it , then change for another one. Next to the yellow curtain, there is also plenty of dark colors so I try to alternate soft and dark colors. ( but I'm getting bored anyway

Today is the last day of our small vacation thanks for the holidays !!! we are getting used to

Wonderful photos Chiloe:) It looks like everyone had a great time.
Nice progress on both your pieces.
Congratulations on your weight loss. I wish I could loose some. I get quite depressed over it. I started yoga a few weeks ago and now I haven't done it for a week because I started to feel sick and off balance and haven't dared try it again since. Feeling a bit better today so might have a go at just a few moves.
Looks like everyone had a great day. The pics are awesome!
Your stitching is looking fabulous!!
I could feel the excitement!! No tadpoles here yet, though the frogs are busy at night when I walk the dog. ;)
What a lovely time spent with your family! Aren't tadpoles fun?!! :) Your stitching looks great!
belle pêche.... j'aime beaucoup la photo de tes trois enfants...
belle avancée sur ton lanarte aussi !!! super ! je vois le bout de mon Lanarte, enfin..
What a beautiful day for a picnic.
The photo's are awesome.
The stitching is coming along great.
Wonderful pictures Chiloe, it looks like an amazing day.
Love the tadpole hunt, what happens when the turn into frogs?
Your stitching is progressing really well. Know what you mean about getting bored with the one colour. I'm feeling that way about my blue border.
Love the first picture of the 3 kiddos! Looks like a great time was had by all, and just think of the fun memories that you are creating! Wonderful!
: )
will you keep the frogs when the tadpoles turn? Looks like everyone had such a great time.
And I know how you are feeling about getting board. I'm working on noah arks baby sampler..BORING! Keep with it tho, it will be worth it in the end.
And congrats on loseing weight! It's hard, i've been losing since january, takes lots of hard work.
Your stitching is showing great progress. Very pretty.
I remember hunting tadpoles as a kid what fun. Great photos of the family.
Continued good luck with the weight loss. Slow but sure is a great attitude.
Those pics were great!! :D Congrats on losing the weight. I've been exercising for months and no loss. :( I don't even eat that much! Your projects look great -- Can't wait until Wed night... I'll be able to stitch!!! Yay....
tes photos sont superbes, bravo et merci pour tes comm' et ptit tag hihi
Jolie peche aux tétards. Malgré le beau temps tu avances bien sur ta broderie.
Those pictures are so pretty Chiloe and I am so glad that you had a good time catching Tad Poles...that looks so much fun to do too. It's always fun to do something like that with your family.
Your WIP's are looking so beautiful...that is what I do...I switched between light colors and dark colors or I change areas and that way I don't get so bored. Mind you I am still stitching away on Noah's Sub. I have a updated progress picture of Noah's Sub on my Blog.
Take care & Happy Stitching
What wonderful pictures. Looks like summer is on its way
Fantastic photos, glad you enjoyed yourselves.
Tu as bien avancé ton lanarte lolll on est pas très sérieuses lol
moi aussi je m'amuse trop bien en ce moment avec le world perfect et du coup pas encore retouché a mon christmas tree rhoooooo
On a jusqu'au mois de decembre pour le finir hein ;-)
bisous bisous
Such beautiful pictures, looks like everyone had a great time.
Sticthing update is looking good.
And wow, congrats on the weight loss. Do need too myself....!
Chiloe, your children are adorable! What a fun day you had :o) It brings back memories of catching them myself.
Your stitching is really coming along and I can't wait to see more of your new project!
Congrats on the weight loss!!!! Keep it up :o)
Looks like a great day was had by all Chiloe
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