I just want to finish that door very fast because I feel I don't progress much anymore ...
We should get the answer for Pierre's school so keep him in your prayers or keep your fingers crossed for him (depending on your biliefs) as he has few chances to get in ... Good vibes are also accepted
Talking about school, Pierre and Emma are going to have a circus in their school during two weeks. The circus is going to arrive tomorrow morning. Pierre and Emma will practice circus activities on the second week and will have their show on the last friday. It should be exciting!!! I'm curious to see what activities my two little chickens would have chosen ( they are the kind of kids afraid of many things ... )
This week I was not able to go and I exercised only once ( I was supposed to do it yesterday afternoon) I'll see if I can do it today. I don't think we'll go walking as it's raining
Yesterday I ate peas
It may not seem like a big accomplishment but for someone who doesn't like vegetable, it is
So I rewarded myself with an ice cream
at night
I'm very happy because yesterday I got my Gilmore girls season 2 DVD. I ordered it directly from Amazon USA because as you know I cannot really rely on CHuy's family ... I still have to buy season 4, 5 and 7. I going to order them from amazon USA again. It ended up costing me 20 Euros (shipping included) while here one DVD costs 45 euros ...
I am almost ready to send one of my PIF gift !!! I just need to add a little thing and it will be on its way to a nice stitcher

me alegro que tu abuela no haya tenido nada grave.
Tu Lanarte esta quedando genial!
Glad to hear that Grandma is fine..on both counts.40 years ago they didn't have the info we have today!
87 is a good long life I hope she has many more.
Happy stitching! The Lanarte is wonderful!
I'm glad your grandmother is fine. And I will cheer for Pierre to get into the school of your choice! :)
Glad your grandma is okay. What a shock about her cancer.
Keeping fingers crossed that Pierre gets into the school you want. Very cool about the circus that would be heaps of fun for the children.
Hi Chiloe! I have finally made time to visit your blog. It looks like a great blog and I have lots of reading to do. :)
Don't feel bad. I have a grandmother that I don't get along with either. She's very selfish and manipulative. That's terrible that she made everyone think that she had breast cancer :o(
I think your stitching is coming along quite quickly but I know when we think about it ourselves, it seems to take forever :o)
Beau travail :-) ,tu es toujours aussi productive.
Your Lanarte is looking awesome. If it is making you sad maybe you should work on the green christmas tree. LOL That should make it fun again.
My fingers are crossed for your son to get into the school.
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