We can't see it but on tuesday evening I had to frog all the right part of the door window ... I made a classic mistake: I miscounted some rows and had to undo all ...
And this is yesterday progress:

It's a little darker in real. I made significant progress because the kids were not here. They all went to spend the day with my parents Before she used to take only Pierre and Emma but now Steb is three and talking so she can't resist the little cutie asking: " Grand'ma can I go to your house too?"
We felt weird, like an old couple whose kids are all grown up and living their old life ... Thanks god, noise came back at around 6 o'clock in our home
Thank you all for your nice comments on my Disneyland pictures !!!
Barbara: we were not brave to go for only day; we just couldn't pass the great 45 euros deal fot the whole family for the 2 parks (+ the 10.95 euros each to eat ) but we did hesitate to bring Esteban along. We thought about it but didn't feel like not sharing the fun with him. He had fun and we brought the stroller when he was tired (he even took his nap there). Emma even sat there when she was tired. Don't worry, your kids won't turn into beasts: they will be soooooo tired at the end of the day, they will turn into sleepy content sheeps
San: yes the sky was that blue!!! We were so lucky because it was the only sunny AND warm day we got in some months now ...
Hazel: my parade pictures ended up fine but I was not in the right spot to take them ( I should have crossed the street) I had the sun to my right but I found a good spot !!!
Hope you'll have a great week end too We are going to go to our local amusement park on sunday. That has become a little tradition. We go there every year with some friends (parents from the kids' school) It's always a lot of fun and a relaxing day for everyone
Oh I remember all those May holidays in France :) We had a day off yesterday in Finland too, I must say :)
My children are older than yours and we have already lots of those moments when we feel like an old couple, like at the moment. The house is quiet :)
Your Lanarte piece looks beautiful! Have a happy weekend and thank you for your lovely comment in my blog!
et bien ça avance... super joli
tu cuadro de Lanarte esta quedando genial!!! Si que has avanzado estos dias que no he podido leer tu blog :)
Vi las fotos de Disney...se ve que la pasaron muy bien :)
mon "day off" est lundi...
Ca avance bien dis donc ! Ca va etre super, comme une peinture...
Have a fantastic time at the amusement park. I love the you get the 1st of May off work - a holiday for my Annies birthday. Maybe when she grows up she will move to France.
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