Something crazy and a little bit scary happened to us on our way back from school today. I was close to home on a road where the cars park always on one side of the road. Two cars can't cross each other but there is no problems with a motorcycle or a bike. I was driving when I saw a small motorcycle (the kind you mainly see in Europe) coming to me. I should have know something wouldn't be the same as the guy was driving in the middle of the road. Usually, the motorcycles go on the side and we cross naturally and without problems. This time was going to be a little bit different...
We cross but the guy did some gestures at me. I kept going and I saw in my rear mirror that he turned back and was starting to follow us. He stopped and decided to follow us again. He ended up following us until our appartment building. I was trying to think fast: what I'm going to do? I thought to call the police except that I don't know their number. In the US, we call 911 but here, I only know the number for the firemen and the medical emergencies ... I wonder when we'll get a general number ??? I know we have the 112 (european emergency number) but I don't know if it works for the police too ... At that point, the kids (especially Pierre) were so scared and panicked, they were crying out loud
. The guy came to my window. I was still trying to get the police but ended up calling the firemen. He started to yell
that I almost made him fall (he came to my car and I didn't even touch him
) , that he had a witness, that he got my licence plate number! I didn't even answer to that as the kids were so scared by that red barking face. I just told him: "look at what you are doing to the kids" He kept going. I said : " look! I have a kid in remission and look at what you are doing to him!" I was so concerned for their well-being that I was not really listening to what he was saying ... He seemed, at last, to realize that the 3 of them were in total panic in the back over what he might do to us and finally decided to leave. I was a little scared too as you never know what someone in that kind of rage might do (especially agaisnt a woman ... ) His face was really red from all the anger that was flooding out of his mouth ... (he should know anger is bad for his heart ...
)I'll talk to the kids at bedtime to try to get over the fear they got during this ordeal ... Sometimes, we think our daily life is boring but that's good that way because I don't like that kind of excitment ...

Thanks for your nice comments for Pierre's school !!! I still can't believe it

I wanted to stitch some green ( I swear
) but my eye got caught by the little birdhouse on the left. I finished the dove and added some wall details. I tried to make a new copy in order to work on the roof but I ran out of ink. I went to buy some but got the wrong one
So I have to go back to the store tomorrow and I can only work with the part I haven't stitched yet (which includes some greens

Yikes, Chiloe! That really is a scary story. I'm glad the guy went away, but I am really sorry for you and the kids that the episode ever occurred. I hope there will be no lasting ill effects (nightmares, etc.) for the kids.
((( Chiloe ))) how terrifying for all of you.
Hope there is no nightmares for the children or you.
Your stitching progress looks great. Is the Christmas tree getting lonely being neglected for so long ;)
Oh my gosh, I would have been terrified!! I'm glad that he left but it's a shame that the children saw that kind of behaviour. It must have been very frightening for them :(
So terrifying! I hope there's no nightmare for any of you.
Lovely stitching!
Just remember that that angry guy has to live with anger like that every day. What a miserable life he must have! It's a scary situation to be in, but it's also a good object lesson to not let anger take control. You can hug your children and they know that you kept them safe.
Scary creepy guy! I often wonder why people behave like that...
I had some creep do something similar in a parking garage at college once. I don't remember the exact situation, but I know he nearly rear-ended my car and then proceeded to follow me to my parking spot and started yelling at me. He was foreign with a thick accent, so I didn't even know exactly what he was saying...I just know I was about ready to sprint to the stairs and get the heck out of there and around other people in case he decided he wanted to do more than just yell. Jerkwad.
OMG! That's terrible AND scary! No wonder you were in such a panic and I can only imagine how the children felt :o( ((((HUGS)))) I hope it has not affected them too much.
Your stitching is lovely and I'm having a great time watching this peice come together :o)
Gosh, that's scary! I'm glad you and the kids are okay and he didn't do more than yell at you all. Still... some people are just plain rude.
Your Lanarte is really pretty. I love visiting your blog to watch it grow.
Take care and stay safe!
If it were me in the situation with the guy & moto, I wouldn't have even gone home. I would've driven to the nearest police station or public service place. I wouldn't want some "crazy" knowing where I live.
Glad to hear Pierre loves his new school.
Your stitching looks great! Pretty birdhouse. :)
The video is called Walking Away The Pounds by Leslie Sandstone. Great video!
que hombre para mas loco!!!! espero que los pequeños ya no esten asustados. Ah, y felicitaciones por el ingreso de Pierre a la nueva escuela...seguro le va a ir mucho mejor en los estudios al recibir una educacion mas personalizada :)
Oh wow...I would be scared to death as well too - that is a very scary situation to be in Chiloe. Geez.
Oh I love that Bird House and the two birds - that is so awesome looking.
Take care & Happy Stitching
I'm sorry you and the kids had to go through that. What a jerk!
I, too, had a similar experience although the guy wasn't angry with me. It was in my young and beautiful days and a guy followed me 20 miles from one town to another trying to "flirt." I was scared to death. There was no way I was going to lead him to our apartment (where I was alone all day during the week) so I made a quick exit (he did, too) and into our bank's parking lot (which was in a vacant lot out in the boonies. He followed me there. We both got out of our cars (me trying to get into the bank quickly). I've always wondered what my face looked like at that point because he took one look at it, said "I must have really scared you. I'm sorry," and got in his car and drove away. It's not something you get over quickly, so give yourself time.
That is terrible and so very scary. I've experienced many situations such as this one, but more at the hands of my ex-husband being the agressor! It was terrible. So sorry to know you had to experience something so frightening, especially with the kids in the car. Big hugs!
Your stitching is looking lovely.
On a side note - I'll take your extra weight for my boobs! Thank you very much! I appreciate it more than you know LOL!
How scary! I would have driven straight to a police station - I wouldn't have driven home, that's for sure. I'm glad he backed off, though, but what a fright you all had.
You poor thing, how scary for your and the children.
Glad that Pierre got into the school of your choice, 22 is a great size for a class, Joel has 23 in his and we are very happy with that.
Oh my! What a scary thing to happen, espically with the kids in the car. Hope they are ok.
The birds and bird house are looking great.
what a wierdo! and to do that in front of the children. Some people really have no brains! I am glad the story ended well though and hopefully you will never cross paths with that crazy again. Luckily you kept your cool and did not get caught up in his fury. It is hard not to when you are so concerned with protecting your children but you definitely did the right thing. So scary and, yes, it has happended to me before too.
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