I started a brand new blog !!! I'm going to use that one as a wish list. I found this beautiful 3 columns templates but it works only as a 2 columns ... But it's not a blog I'm going to use everyday so it's perfect !!! It's called rainbow garden.
If someone knows how to add my email on the side with blogger, please help me !!! I couldn't figured it out ... (yet, I know a geek lives inside me

I'll try to write a longer message tomorrow. I just wanted to show you my progress. Tomorrow, you'll know all about mother's day, circus at school, daycare saturday (at one point there were 7 kids in my small appartment), visit to my grand'ma, stitch pink! So stay tuned

This piece is looking fabulous. I'm so very proud of you, my green friend!
Hello :oD
Wow! I love that project! I haven't been able to visit for a while but I guess it's a Lanarte ... it looks like a Lanarte anyway and I know you like those too.
Your new blog is lovely too. Very pretty
really pretty love it!
Chiloe its been awhile since I've had the time to pop by! Your Lanarte is looking just fantastic!
As for putting your e-mail addy. Insert the HTML code to make a clickable e-mail address. I don't know it off of the top of my head but if you googled it I'm sure you'd find it.
Wow! Looks really pretty!
It's looking great!! Love it!
Hhuuuummmmmmmmmm toujours aussi beau ma belle , j'adore , tu es la reine du Lanarte !!! Bisous
so pretty, il n'y a pas mieux à dire. Pas de doute, Lanarte, ça se mérite mais quelle résultat
Regle numero uno de l'internaute averti: ne jamais laisser de liens direct vers son adresse email !!!
A la place, ecrire un truc genre "chiloe at gmail point com" adresse fictive evidemment.
Quant a ce quie st de mettre quelque chose sur to blog avec Blogger, il suffit d'aller dans la mise en page, la ou tu peux ajouter des elements... Et tu ajoutes du texte. Vu la quantite de choses dans ta barre de menu deja, je suppose que tu sais comment t'y prendre?
Nice progress on your Lanarte:)
wow! si que has avanzado!!!
Please do not mention the word green again - I have done so many ivy leaves this week I think i am dreaming in green.
Wonderful progress on the Lanarte by the way.
Very pretty, Chiloe! Is it a Marjolein Bastin piece?
Great progress, Chiloe. I love green. :)
Bravo il est superbe et ça avance bien !
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