The whole piece doesn't fit in the scanner anymore so I took a picture with my camera so you can see better my progress. I still feel a lot of joy stitching this colorful design !!! Still no news of my old tree ... Weird

We had a great day yesterday: Emma spent the night at one of her friend and we went to pick her at 4.30 pm. The mom has a kid's cafe which was closed that day but she used it to celebrate her son fourth birthay. We met some friends and ended up having dinner with one of my them and her son. So we had good food and a relaxing evening. Pierre was soooooo happy as someone lend them a Wii. He had a lot of fun (Pierre's dream is to have a Wii but I find this little electronic device quite expensive ...

Now back to house work: I have to change the kids' beddings
Not as fun as stitching but more necessary.

Your WIP is looking great!
Sorry to hear that Esteban is having a hard time with the the helicopters. Is there anyway you can take him to see a helicopter, show him they aren't scarey? Or would this make it worse?
Your WIP looks wonderful!
I hope Esteban can get over his fear of helicopters...{{hugs}}
Your WIP looks great!!
belle avançée
You make such great progress on your pieces. :)
The video I am using is called "Walking Away The Pounds 3-Mile Fat Burning" by Leslie Sanstone. You can see all the videos here: http://www.lesliesansonevideos.com/
That looks georgeous Carol...you are doing a beautiful job on it...good for you....
Take care & Happy Stitching
Bravo ! ça avance bien et c'est beau !
c'est magnifique !
Baby helicopters? The things we have to come up with as mothers!
Your Wip is looking lovely :) Yay for no tree! :D Sorry to hear that Esteban has been scared, its horrible when that happens! Oh the joys of laundry and children.... its never ending is it? LOL I have added clickable links to my goal names... just for you :)
Wow, this is really beautiful! I look forward to seeing your progress.
Wow, your wip is looking so lovely. I like it.
This project is coming along in leaps and bounds!
Great progress Chiloe.
Annie gets nightmares about the Cookie Monster from Sesame St and I tell her he is too busy eating cookies in the kitchen to come to the bedrooms. Strange the stories you need to come up with to comfort frightened children.
I don't blame Steb! We went through medfly spraying a few years ago. Squads of four helicopters in a row would fly low over the neighborhood during the night spraying everything. It was really scary - reminded us of every war/horror movie where they use those machines. Now our local police use them to catch speeders and to search for the occasional burgler which is also frightening.
You're really flying on your stitch piece (as usual). Our room renovation is hitting snags (as always happens) and so stitchery is even slower than usual. Oh, well.
Your WIP is looking great! :)
I love the Baby Helicopter story - what a great idea! :D
This is such a lovely piece and you're really coming along with it!
Poor Esteban :o( Good story though ;o)
Lovely progress Chiloe.
I do hope Esteban can get over his fear of helicopters.
Your stitching is BEAUTIFUL!!!
I love the colors!
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