There is some green on that pattern but it's Lanarte and that makes all the difference

I feel better. I went to bed at 10 pm last night and not at 11.30 like usually. The time change really got me tired this year (usually I handle it better ... ) Emma and steb don't seem to appreciate it either. I have to try hard to wake them up every morning ... And to make it worst, tomorrow it's "open door" at their school which mean that new students can come to visit the school. It also means our kids have to go there ...

It seems the whole world is feeling blue right now (me including ) I don't like to feel that way. I prefer to feel happy but theses days it seems I'm carrying a burden on my shoulder. I don't have any desire to do anything beside stitching. This year again for the vacation, we won't go anywhere as we gave up our plans to go to Mexico in july when I lost my job in spetember... I think I lost myself somewhere ... When I was younger, I dreamed of travelling a lot but actually, it seems I lived in places and didn't travel much ...I used to love to read and now have to choose between stitching and reading (you know where my choice goes ...) It's not so much about material things you know. I think I can't handle the all the worries for Pierre's health and future ... Well, let's hope I'll find a way to feel better soon and not feel sad ...
When I was younger I never really had the urge to travel, but now that I'm older I do. I've been to a handful of places and often wish I could do more - but I'm glad to have been able to go to the places I've been. Some people don't even get that. Maybe you can go on a short weekend trip or something?
I hope you can get caught up on your sleep. :) Hang in there!
Gratitude: Bed to sleep in, Pillow to bury your face in, stitching to keep you sane :D ;-)
et ben, c'est quoi cette baisse de moral ????? tu ne nous a pas habitués à ça, mais malheureusement ça arrive... un tout qui fait que quelquefois ben ça déborde et ça ne va plus...
Being a parent is so very hard some days.
It must be something in the air that has people feeling out of sorts today.
I hope your mood passes soon. I wish I was close by so I could lavish you with friendship, but for now I'll have to settle for sending you a big hug!
Take care, hon.
{{{big hugs}}}
I can totally relate, especially with your worries for Pierre. My eldest boy (now 21 -yikes!) is autistic and my youngest has heart problems - you can imagine how much sleep I've lost over the years! I too wanted to see the world but these days feel pretty much like you do....hang in there - you're not alone!!!
I will keep you and Pierre in my prayers.......when you are feeling down, look up! (((Hugs)))
Dark clouds lurk over our world and it affects us all. Where is the sun? In people like you, my friend. Through your blog you send the warmth to us all. Nobody can be "up" all the time - that's impossible - but you come closer than anyone I know. I thank you for inspiring me not to linger too long in the muck.
You have many friends sending good energy for Pierre. You are doing your best for him. As the Mistress of Worry I know it's impossible not to fret about our children. But, as you so recently pointed out (you brat) I am the age of your mother so I will assure you that there is only so much you can do. Most of the time you just have to let the worry go and enjoy each day as it comes and goes.
This should make you feel so much better: Before you think to blink he'll be grown and giving you other things to worry about.
Chiloe I never went out my own country until after I was 40 and my kids were starting to grow up and we didnt really start travelling until long after that but all comes to those who wait, for now just enjoy your children. As for the worries you have I understand as I had similar worries with my son who was born with severe heart defects. Hes now a grown man with a son of his own so please take heart my friend.
Lovely stitching, Chiloe. :) Sometimes I feel the same way - all I ever do is stitch, I don't go places very much. But then sometimes I'm so busy seeing people and going places all I want to do is sit at home and stitch!
I hope your mood picks up soon. Don't worry, I'm sure the travel bug will bite you again.
Oh! *big hugs* Hope you feel better soon! You always brighten my day! How about a talking book to put on when you stitch? As for travelling.... I hope to one day when the kids are all grown :)
Oh, Nadine ... I'm so sorry. I really do sympathize. Sometimes there just isn't any denying that setbacks or changes to plan are depressing. I hope that your blue mood passes soon and that you'll feel more like your usual self. Sending hugs!!!
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