This morning I was checking some blogs and probably all the blogs I visited were about samplers. So that make me thinks I am completly out of fashion with my love for realistics designs like lanarte's. I like some samplers but I don't think I could stitch any as the designs have to be colorful to attract me. So I guess I'll stay out of fashion for a while (before becoming old fashioned

Pierre and emma went back to school and Steb stayed home. He's still sick: it's not too bad but he's better home. Tonight he's his old self : I think it's because I woke him up to go pick the kids (he didn't sleep enough ... )
I stitched really well last night (my own old fashion way

You are silly! I think design choice is so personal. It is what you like and that is what makes it special.
Glad to hear 2/3 of your children are back to normal.
You got lots done on your piece. It is looking fabulous!
c'est SPLENDIDE !!!
moi aussi je dois être old fashioned !!! Lanarte, et tout ce qui est réaliste j'adore !! bon, je craque aussi pour isa vautier...
Yes, you are out of fashion. :-) Actually, according to an article I read in our paper about crafting/hobbies in general, any cross stitching is terribly out of fashion, because cross stitching is just not IN. Oh well...if that's the case, I'm very happy being out of fashion! :-)
I'm not real big on the formal A-B-C and 1-2-3 samplers myself, especially the "antique" style samplers. Just not my thing. I tend to go with landscapes/sceneries like you, although I do have a few alphabet "samplers" in my stash.
Ouahhh !! Tu avance vraiment bien ! Il me plait de plus en plus ce modèle ! Bravo !
funny girl! you are not unfashionable. The designs you pick are beautiful and people like me are drawn to something different. I hope the kiddies are feeling better. poor babies!
I have done one alphabet sampler, but I picked it more for the lighthouse than the alphabet. But I understand your dismay with all the primitive, antique, and quaker pieces that are being stitched now. Maybe that is why I am have so many French kits and patterns. Like you, I like bright colors and scenery.
Beautiful stitches!!!!!!!!! bisous***
Ca me désole de te voir avancer si vite! En tout cas bravo car c'est très beau.
Je travaille pour toi en ce moment... et c'est superbe aussi!
Tu pourras voir un extrait dans quelques jours ;-)
tu avances bien dis donc !
Oh dear heavens, don't bring fashion into design choice! I'll run away and hide!! We stitch what we want, what makes us happy. :D
That is looking lovely! Samplers aren't really my thing either :) I just stich what I love :)
I go through cycles with what I stitch...sometimes I like to stitch samplers etc, sometimes I like other things. The designs you choose are beautiful and make you happy - why should you worry about what 'everyone else' stitches? ;-)
I'm glad to hear your little ones are on the mend!
I say stitch what you like, do the hobby you enjoy...and never worry about 'what's in style'. Personally I don't understand caving to peer pressure when it comes to stitching favorites.
Take care, Sue
i like your stitching ,i like the color that you choice, and the personal touch in every of them, that make it specials.
Glad you kids are feeling better. Nothing worse than a sick kid at home. Your stitching progress is moving along quickly. And I'm like you, samplers just don't move me. I think I have stitched one in my life time. I need color!
I'm glad the little ones are feeling better! Stitch what you like! I think some samplers are neat but if they are all one color I know I'd probably poke my eyes out before I was even partially done.
I agree with the others. You're certainly not out of fashion as everybody has different tastes and stitches what they like. I do like samplers but I also love to stitch other things too. I love seeing what you're stitching and your Lanarte piece is beautiful.
I'm not a big fan of samplers either and yes they do seem to be everywhere.
Cross stitch is such a personal thing though. I find it very hard to stitch cross stitch gifts where someone else has chosen the pattern because it is not something I like myself.
Chiole, there is no fashion... there's just what YOU like to stitch! Ignore what everyone else is stitching and do what brings you joy!
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