This post should have been called : " good news for Pierre ". That's what I had planned yesterday. But yesterday, I didn't have time to write anything ... We had a very good day wednesday. In the morning, we went to Pierre's oncologist for his follow up appointment. He's fine and the good news is that he doesn't need to get blood tests anymore (unless something happen of course) and his next visit will be in 6 months (and not every 4 months anymore
) I could have chosen to have our next appointment in one year but I'm not ready yet ... 

This morning was fine: one of Emma's friend was staying with us for the day. Then at 11.30, Pierre started complaining about his tummy. We thought he was hungry. Chuy was making hamburgers (one of Pierre 's favorite food ) but he couldn't eat. He went to bed and started to feel a little better so Chuy left to go to work. I put Esteban down for his nap ( still scare of that damn helicopter ) and right after I had two crying kids: I went to see Pierre (can't really do anything for this
helicopter) I had to do something so I decided to go to the doctor but with four kids at home, I first needed some help. My mom came to my rescue.

The doctor sent us to the ER
. Picture me driving, very worry, repeating to myself: "Do not cry! Do not cry! you are stronger than you think" Of course, it didn't work, it never works with me ... See, I'm not a good trooper, I'm more the chicken type ...

The pediatric unit is not finished yet so I had to go to the general ER where adults and kids are mixed ... Fortunately, they put him in a small room for kids. He had a x-ray taken and they found out he was constipated (it's like he's having a plug in his intestine ), even though he does go to the bathroom. They gave him a medecine so I hope he wil feel better because we are going to Disneyland on saturday !!!

Today was really scary for me and brought back some bad memories ... I don't handle stress very well anymore ... Next time, I'll ask Chuy to come with me because he's always a great support

I didn't bring my stitching to the hospital but I can show you my yesterday progress:
Today's ordeal drained all my energy and I'm exhausted ... After the kids goes to bed, it's going to be stitch stitch stitch to relax
Hope your day was better than mine !!!
OH!! Hugs!!! Poor you! and poor Pierre too!! Great news about the future visits tho :D Your progress is looking lovely, I hope you had a nice relaxing refreshing sleep. Now as to the helicopter.... how about a can of air freshner... make a new label that says scares away helicopters and spray it in Estebans room before he goes to bed?.... worked for my sister with something random years ago :)
Congratulations for your progress !
Pauvre Pierre! Have you tried getting Esteban a little toy helicopter that he could play with? Maybe that would make him less afraid. We also have videos here that are geared toward little kids that explain how big vehicles like that work. Mostly they're titled "There Goes a Fire Engine" or "There goes a Spaceship". I wonder if they'd have something like that for helicopters?
My son had a similar problem when he was little. You are right. The ER is a scary place. Luckily, the medicine worked with my son and he never had that problem again.
I hope your little one is feeling better soon!
Your stitching is beautiful! Enjoy the peaceful stitching time tonight!
All of us mamas are chickens when our wee chicks are ill, Chiloe. I hope all will go well from here on in!
What a terrible day you had.
I hope that your little one gets well soon.
Take care!
Your stitching piece is wonderful.
I'm glad that you have found a bit of time to relax.
((( hugs )))
How scary. I'm glad he is going to be okay. Hope you get some relaxation in now.
:: happy dance :: about the good news from the oncologist.
I hope Pierre is feeling better already. Big hugs to you.
Oh poor Chiloe, so much drama in your life, but I am glad your little boy is ok now. Have a lovely trip to Disneyland at the weekend.
Your progress on the Lanarte is wonderful.
Good news :-)))and good work!
I just love seeing your progress on this lanarte. It's so pretty. May I know what chart is that (name/title or item number)?
Thanks Chiloe for the info on your Lan wip. I like it a lot and em thinking of getting one to stitch someday. I'll keep coming back to see your progress. Thanks for keeping us updated.
About my pics, nope I don't use Picassa. I have saved some of my pics in Webshots but lately haven't had the time to update it. Will do later this year.
Have a nice day and take care.
looking good! Whatascary ordeal for you, but at least it wasn't something serious.
Glad it wasn't something more serious. Yay about Pierre's blood testing. :) Good news!
Your WIP looks great... I'm envious of all the stitching you get done!
And... Yes, I'm trying not to think about winter. I'm on this ornie-a-month SAL which is why I keep stitching them. See... Method to my madness! ;-)
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